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Joanna Holt is an associate professor in the Science Education Group at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). Her research focusses on the use of technology in education, specifically how hands-on/minds-on learning in science lessons can be supported using interactive knowledge representations. Prior to joining the group in 2020, Joanna was a Science Education Lecturer and Chair of the Science and Humanities Group in the Primary Teacher Training Institute (pabo) of the AUAS.

Joanna Holt is originally from the United Kingdom (UK), where she obtained her PhD in Physics (Astrophysics) from the University of Sheffield in 2005 (supervisor: Prof. dr. C.N. Tadhunter). From 2005-2012 she continued her research career in astrophysics, holding postdoc positions at the University of Sheffield (UK) and Leiden University (NL). In 2012, Joanna moved into (astronomy) education with a position at the European Space Agency (ESA) before moving to the AUAS in 2016 to take up the role at the pabo. In September 2023 Joanna has been appointed associate professor of Technology in Education at the Faculty of Education.

Joanna Holt combines research at the AUAS with the role of Education Manager for the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA), based at the University of Amsterdam, where she is responsible for a national-level education programme (4-18 years) including a network of Mobile Planetariums. Joanna also holds several ancillary functions including member of the Executive Board of the Dutch Black Hole Consortium, Chairperson of the Association of Dutch-Language Planetariums (PlaNED), member of the Editorial Board of and the International Astronomical Union’s National Astronomy Education Contact for the Netherlands.