What are some of the frequently asked questions about our 10K Programme?

At what stage must my idea be to participate in the 10K Programme?

We accept ideas at different stages, as we provide coaching and mentoring based on your specific needs. This means we consider the stage your startup is in. However, it's important that you have already thought about a potential target group and the size of this market. You don't need to have a market-ready product or prototype yet; we will help you develop that during the programme. You also don't need to be registered at the Chamber of Commerce yet, but you can if you want to.

Where does the name '10K Incubator' come from? Does it mean I can earn money by participating in 10K?

The name '10K Incubator' is inspired by the 10,000 hours rule, a concept from Professor Anders Ericsson's research. He discovered that top achievers required an average of 10,000 hours of focused training to reach the highest levels of performance. At the 10K Incubator, we believe that entrepreneurship is a skill you can learn and excel in with sufficient practice and dedication. Our program is designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to become a successful entrepreneur. Therefore please note that joining the programme does not guarantee earning 10,000 euros.

Why would I join 10K after doing an entrepreneurship minor?

While participating in one of the entrepreneurship minors, you will build a solid foundation for joining the 10K programme. In the 10K programme, you will receive guidance tailored to your needs, allowing you to build on the foundation you have already established during the minor. We will help you prepare for your first funding, attract your first partners, and help you to get ready to enter the market with your product/service.

Is participation in the 10K programme free?

There is no cost attached to participating in 10K. However, it’s an investment in you by the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Therefore, we do expect a commitment in return and we expect you to be present at set times. Also, we expect you to actively contribute to the group.

To participate in the 10K programme, my idea must be innovative. What does that exactly mean?

For us, innovation means that your idea introduces something new, or improves existing methods, processes, business models, products or ideas, thus adding value over what already exists in the market. What eventually matters is that your idea creates value and makes a positive impact. One of our criteria is that your idea must align with at least one of the SDGs. Therefore, innovation for us does not include buying and selling ready-made products (e.g., drop-shipping).

Is the 10K programme full-time or can I combine it with my studies?

The program is flexible, making it easy to combine with your studies or work. The only fixed moments are the 10K Wednesdays, which occur once every 2 weeks. On 10K wednesdays, we have masterclasses or feedback sessions, and you are generally expected to be present from 15:30 to 21:00. Besides these sessions, the programme is flexible, allowing you to schedule your startup work and coaching sessions according to your own planning. In addition, you can make the programme as time-intensive as you want. Besides, 10K also offers the opportunity to intern at your own company. For more details about that, you can reach out to Carmen Been at

Can I earn university credits by participating in 10K?

The 10K programme is extracurricular, and therefore you follow it alongside your studies. Therefore, you cannot earn any study credits by participating. However, 10K does offer the option of doing an internship within your own company. You can discuss the possibilities with our Project Lead Carmen Been (

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Published by  Entrepreneurship 8 July 2024