Representative advisory councils
Participative decision-making
Participation in decision-making at the AUAS is based on the Dutch Higher Education and Research Act and is detailed in the Regulations for Participation in Decision-making.
The AUAS has a Central Representative Advisory Council (centrale medezeggenschapsraad, CMR), seven faculty representative advisory councils and one for the staff and service departments. All faculties and staff and service departments are proportionally represented in the CMR, which has 24 seats, half of which are held by students and half by members of staff. Depending on the size of the faculty, the faculty representative advisory councils have 12 to 24 seats, half of which are reserved for students and half for members of staff. All seats on the representative advisory council for staff and support services are held by members of staff.
The CMR consults with the Executive Board on a monthly basis to discuss a variety of topics related to the AUAS.
The CMR has a right of consent with regard to:
- the budget
- the strategic plan
- the quality assurance framework
- the Students' Charter
- the Regulations Governing the Administration
- the Teaching and Examination Regulations
- regulations concerning working conditions
- use of the Profiling Fund
The faculty representative advisory councils consult with the Dean.
In addition to a representative advisory council, each faculty has degree programme committees. These are composed of 50% students and 50% staff members. Degree programme committees have an advisory role with regard to the degree programmes and the Teaching and Examination Regulations.