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As a member of the management team, Joyce Velthuis is responsible for the sports education of the bachelor's programmes Sportkunde - track SM&O and Sports Studies - track ISMB. In addition, she is a versatile, driven lecturer in event management, research and various sports subjects.

Joyce studied at the Academy for Physical Education (AUAS). She completed the professionalisation track for team coordinators at the AUAS and the master Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam. She likes to focus on improving logistic processes, solving organisational issues and coordinating projects.

In recent years, Joyce has mainly been involved in the further development of sports education within Sportkunde - leerroute SM&O, Sport Studies - track ISMB and the creation of elective projects and Honours Programmes within the faculty of Sports and Nutrition. With her knowledge and experience Joyce regularly contributes to various project teams within the AUAS, such as advisory groups for Binding Study Advice, Well Organised Education and Curriculum Development. On a national level Joyce is involved in improving the profession of outdoor instructor as a trainer, assessor and auditor at Vebon and the Dutch Climbing and Mountaineering Association (NKBV).