Amsterdam School of International Business

Cheyenne del Castilho, Class 2020


Don’t neglect your own wellbeing. Your future self will thank you for choosing peace over (potential) success.

Be yourself. There’s a company out there dying to have an employee like you. Don’t compromise. You only have one chance at this so make sure you can look back and be proud of yourself.

Cheyenne del Castilho - AMSIB Alumna

Hi Cheyenne! You graduated from Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB) with a Bachelor’s degree in International Business and Management in the year of 2020. What have you been up to since your graduation?

Hi! Since my graduation I first had to focus on landing a position, which was hard during Covid since the market was extremely competitive. I worked at an SNS bank, started a master in Digital driven business and decided to do some corporate soul searching before I landed my current job as all-round marketeer.

You work as an all-round marketeer at Profile Dynamics. Can you walk us through a typical day in your professional life?

Of course! We start at 9 and since I’m not a morning person I use the lack of energy to get small tasks done such as designing branding elements (fun) , checking up on socials and picking up small requests from my coworkers. After lunch I get to the big stuff. We attend several congresses and host our own corporate events and those require a lot of planning and phone calls. I’m lucky to say that we are a small office with extremely competent people so although the workload can get a bit much, we get out projects done. We recently signed our second franchise agreement to be located in Austria (our first was in Germany). So that has been a interesting project.

Reflecting on your time at AMSIB, what are the key take-aways from your studies that you find useful in your career and day to day life?

I tend to be somewhat of a control freak so I’ve definitely learned to work in groups and delegate projects. Conflicts might not be fun, but are essential for growth. I also hated the Excel courses back when I was a student, but now I realize how much of my work can easily be done in excel. So I would like apologize to my professors for all the times I complained I would never use excel in marketing.

During your experience at AMSIB, can you recount a particularly memorable moment or period that stands out as your favourite?

My exchange for sure! I’ve never met so many interesting people from literally all over the world. Even the classes were extremely interesting to me. I did mostly advertising and merchandising and consumer behaviour because I like the industry.

If you had the chance to tweak or enrich one aspect of your experience at AMSIB, what would it be and why?

My graduation. It’s a pity I worked so hard to be an honours student only to see my name online for a couple of seconds. Also there could have been more parties but I really like partying so take that with a grain of salt.

Considering your journey and experiences, what advice would you offer to current students navigating their academic and professional paths?

Don’t neglect your own wellbeing. Working at some companies could mean giving up something you’re not ready to give up. For me those points were diversity and inclusivity. If you see red flags, run. You might think it’s a bad professional choice, but remember you have to be there every day. Your future self will thank you for choosing peace over (potential) success.

As an established professional and alum, what wisdom or guidance would you share with fellow alumni as they embark on their own careers?

Be yourself. There’s a company out there dying to have an employee like you. Don’t compromise. You only have one chance at this so make sure you can look back and be proud of yourself.

Lastly, to add a bit of fun to our conversation, could you share an interesting or quirky fact about yourself that others might not know?

Sure! I’m actually pretty creative. I paint, draw and sing (very mid). I also have a terrible sense of humour. I think I’m hilarious though.