Aviation Academy



In 2015 Nick graduated from the Aviation Engineering track. After that, Nick started working at Fokker Services Group, through several positions he is now a Project Manager Modifications and Engineering Services. He will tell us something about his experiences and his outlook on the future.

The most beneficiary of the study is the way of thinking operational/analytical. The projects that you work together with you fellow students is the part that prepared a good baseline of skills/knowhow that I still use.

Nick van Elk - Graduated in 2015 from the Aviation Engineering track

If this isn’t your first job since graduating: what were your other jobs at which companies?

Not my first job but I am still at the company I applied for a job opening after graduation. I started as Quality Engineer at Fokker Services B.V., with the assignment on VIP aircraft conversions projects. Acting as a Quality Liasson performing supplier audits and quality checks (Acceptance inspections). Beside this assignment performing the yearly product and process audits on the EASA Part 21G side of the company.

During the COVID period, due to company restructuring I was able to remain within the company as a Customer Service Representative whereafter I returned in the function of Project Manager/Program manager.

How did you get your current job?

After a couple of years at the Quality Department a job opening came along at the Engineering Department as Project Manager, for which I internally solicitated.

What are your daily operations?

A typical day or week contains project status meetings with the Engineers. Creation of Proposals together with sales team and order status/processing with customers. Preparing presentation for the steering group committee of the responsible modification programs. Check up with supply chain and procurement on the stock positions and vendor contracting.

What do you like the most at your job?

It’s not just the job, the company and engineering department is small to middle sized, therefore there are a lot of small lines between the engineers and management and other departments of the company. There is a lot of space to learn by doing and self-steering on the function tasks.

Due to narrow span of control and wide scope a lot of things passes your desk which broadens the function in terms of aspects. Given that fact, the job gives you the feeling of ownership and entrepreneurship.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years, I still would like to work in challenging and innovative company in a role which I can develop myself and gives me more responsibilities and overall knowhow of managing a project/program/business. I would still like to work within the Aviation industry but might be interested in other industry branches that might be interesting. So seems all options are still open.

What do you like the most from your education that helps you out currently in your work?

The most beneficiary of the study is the way of thinking operational/analytical. The projects that you work together with you fellow students is the part that prepared a good baseline of skills/knowhow that I still use.

Are you still connected with the Aviation Academy?

Not direct other than the social media accounts which I follow through LinkedIn. Besides that, I am still in contact with some fellow students, where we meet a couple times a year to go out for dinner.