Centre for Applied Research in Education
Dr. N. Arbones Aran (Nuria)
Programme leader City Marketing in Europe – Cities & Visitors ResearchBorn and raised in Barcelona, Núria Arbonés Aran has lived and worked in several places before settling in The Netherlands. She has a master’s degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, a Master's degree of Arts and a PhD degree of Urban Studies from the University of Amsterdam, European Studies. After her master studies in Amsterdam she remained at the University of Amsterdam as a full-time lector Catalan aiming to contribute to a broader international insight into a diversity of Catalan related matters. At UvA, she also got involved in the development of education and research on cultural perspectivism, images and history making.
Nowadays her professional environment is mainly concentrated at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences where she initiated the international educational programme International Virtual Consulting Firm (IVCF), working on real life cases in cooperation with partner institutions and business and institutional life in Barcelona and Paris. The IVCF is since 2010 implemented in the programme City Marketing in Europe in cooperation with CAREM and the multidisciplinary arrangement Urban Management and is currently further developed at AMSIB and CEDIS in the research programme Cities and Visitors and Visitors and Image Amsterdam Zuidoost. Her current professional interest lies in comparative studies, especially in the fields of (tribal) marketing, consumer behavior and places images, identity and reputation.
From 2010 to 2015 she combined the activities of a programme leader and lecturer in City Marketing in Europe with a PhD research that resulted in her thesis Capturing the Imaginary: Students and Other Tribes in Amsterdam. Her work proposes to keep combining different perspectives and disciplines and to keep searching for a better balance between the fugacity and speed inherent to our contemporary life, and the also very necessary craftsmanship and reflection of a more fundamental research.
Arbonés, Aran, N. "Capturing the Imaginary: Students and Other Tribes in Amsterdam." (University of Amsterdam-AUAS, 2015). PhD Dissertation
Arbonés, Aran, N. (2016) in Mamadouh, V. and Wageningen, van, A. (Ed.) Urban Europe. Fifty Tales of The City. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. English Edition.
An IMAGE Case Compilation
Arbones Aran, N., Petkova, S. I., & Moodey, L. (2023). An IMAGE Case Compilation: Researching the City: Mapping Imaginaries. https://cityimaginaries.com/teaching-case/
The Future of jobs: A Roadmap for the Future of a More Interdisciplinary Business Education
Ordeix Rigo, E., Longo, F., El-Zein, S. A., Arbones Aran, N., & Petkova, S. I. (2023). The Future of jobs: A Roadmap for the Future of a More Interdisciplinary Business Education. Abstract from The Future of Work, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
El Mestratge entre els Estudiants i Collegues a la Universitat d' Amsterdam
Arbonés-Aran, N., & Orts-Molines, J. L. (2022). El Mestratge entre els Estudiants i Collegues a la Universitat d' Amsterdam. In M. Sopena, & E. Gallén (Eds.), Manuel L. Abellán, mestre de la història cultural (1 ed., Vol. 25, pp. 27-47). (Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura; Vol. 25). Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura, Filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans. https://doi.org/10.2436/15.2502.02.3
Slopen? Niet de Ziel van de stad
Arbones Aran, N., Petkova, S., & Karikari, C. (2022). Slopen? Niet de Ziel van de stad: Hoe een project met studenten over placemaking uit de hand liep en zo de liefde voor behoud van de oude Bijlmer vergrootte. Bewogen Stad, (8), 16-18. https://publications.hva.nl/bewogen-stad-8/slopen-niet-de-ziel-van-de-stad
Yes, We Can: Putting co-creation into practice at Spinoza Imaginaries Lab & Café
Arbones Aran, N., Petkova, S. I., & Moodey, L. (2022). Yes, We Can: Putting co-creation into practice at Spinoza Imaginaries Lab & Café. Abstract from U!reka Connects, Ghent, Belgium.
Capturing Urban Memory with Sentient Data, Counter Mapping and Digital Methods
Petkova, S., Radojevic, R., & Arbones-Aran, N. (2022). Capturing Urban Memory with Sentient Data, Counter Mapping and Digital Methods. 178-179. Abstract from The 7th International Landscape Archeology Conference, Iasy-Suceava, Romania.
A vivid portrait of a versatile Amsterdam Zuidoost
Arbones Aran, N., & Hoffschulte, C. (2017, Jun 16). A vivid portrait of a versatile Amsterdam Zuidoost. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Zuidoost op de kaart
Arbonés Aran, N., Ingen-Housz, Z., & van Winden, W. (2017). Zuidoost op de kaart. In S. Majoor, M. Morel, A. Straathof, F. Suurenbroek, & W. van Winden (Eds.), Laboratorium Amsterdam: werken, leren, reflecteren (pp. 116-126). THOTH.
Hub Cities 2.0 for the 21st century
Arbonés Aran, N. (2016). Hub Cities 2.0 for the 21st century. In V. Mamadouh, & A. van Wageningen (Eds.), Urban Europe: fifty tales of the city (pp. 105-110). Amsterdam University Press.
Huisvestingsbehoeften van internationale studenten
Kostelijk, E., Arbones Aran, N., van den Berg, D., de Wit, H., & van Winden, W. (2014). Huisvestingsbehoeften van internationale studenten: publieksversie. Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management.