Centre for Applied Research in Education

dr. I. Dekker (Izaak)

Associate Professor Didactics & Curriculum Development
Work address:
Kohnstammhuis, Wibautstraat 2-4, 1091 GM Amsterdam
Postal address:
Postbus 505,1000 AM Amsterdam
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Izaak Dekker is associate professor Didactics and Curriculum Development Higher Education, affiliated with the lectorate Customization, learning and instruction. As associate professor, Izaak focuses on conducting research into education at the AUAS. The aim of the associate professorship is to contribute to the learning capacity of higher education institutions. The core tasks of this professorship are:

  1. Organizing and conducting experimental evaluation studies and reviews thereof in higher (vocational) education
  2. Strengthening the (experimental) research capacity of teachers, courses and institutions in higher education
  3. Accessibly communicating the results of experimental studies and reviews thereof on didactics and curriculum development in higher education.

The programmes of the Faculty of Education and Upbringing (FOO) are experimenting with more flexible forms of education. Where possible, Izaak evaluates these types of questions with field experiments and conducts his research as much as possible together with lecturers and students. In this way, we learn more about effective higher education and at the same time contribute to the research experience and affinity of students and lecturers at the FOO.

Izaak has also been working as a researcher for the Didactics of Science lectorate and the Faculty of Education and Upbringing (FOO) since September 2021. For this lectorate, he recruits, organizes and carries out research projects within the framework of 'Smart Education': a program focused on applications of artificial intelligence in education. For the FOO, he organizes experimental research into interventions that can increase student success, retention and well-being.

During his PhD research at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Izaak conducted research into the study success and well-being of students in the educational and economic domain. He combined his research with a position as senior lecturer at the Master Learning and Innovation at Hogeschool Rotterdam. Before he was active as a lecturer at Hogeschool Rotterdam, Izaak taught as a philosophy teacher in primary and secondary education.

What can you contact Izaak for?

  • Organizing field experiments to evaluate didactics and curriculum development in higher education.
  • Collaborating in a consortium that aims to evaluate an educational intervention (focused on didactics/curriculum development) with a field experiment.
  • Interviews or expert comments on the themes of the associate professorship.
  • Accessible communication of reviews and experimental studies regarding didactics/curriculum development in higher education. Think of a short explainer, or a contribution to a professionalization meeting.

Want to know more about recent and ongoing projects?

Check out Tune in - a summer introductory program specifically for first-generation students and Supplemental Instruction, a field experiment into the effect of supplemental instruction on performance, well-being and feeling at home.

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