Centre for Applied Research in Education

Dr. T.L. de Leur (Tessa)
'I saw angry people and broken statues'
De Leur, T., Van Boxtel, C., & Wilschut, A. (2017). 'I saw angry people and broken statues': historical empathy in secondary history education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 65(3), 331-352.
“What I saw” and “What he saw”:
van Boxtel, C., de Leur, T., & Wilschut, A. (2017). “What I saw” and “What he saw”: an analysis of students' written accounts in first and third person empathy task. Paper presented at the 17th biennial conference of EARLI, Tampere, Finland. https://earli.org/sites/default/files/2017-09/EARLI2017_book_of_abstracts1309.pdf
What you draw is what you see?
de Leur, T. L., van Boxtel, C. A. M., & Wilschut, A. H. J. (2017). What you draw is what you see? Imagining concrete situations to visualize abstract narratives. Paper presented at Look both ways: Narratives and Metaphors in Education , Amsterdam. https://named2017conference.com/programme/
‘Just Imagine…’: Students’ Perspectives On Empathy Tasks In Secondary History Education
de Leur, T., van Boxtel, C., & Wilschut, A. (2015). ‘Just Imagine…’: Students’ Perspectives On Empathy Tasks In Secondary History Education. International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research, 13(1), 69-84.
"Just Imagine...". Sudents' perspectives on empathy tasks in secondary history education
de Leur, T. L., van Boxtel, C. A. M., & Wilschut, A. H. J. (2015). "Just Imagine...". Sudents' perspectives on empathy tasks in secondary history education. International Journal of Historical Teaching, Learning and Research.