Centre for Applied Research in Education
Dr F.B.I. Situmeang (Frederik)
Associate Professor in AI and Data Driven BusinessFrederik Situmeang is an Associate Professor specializing in AI and Data-Driven Business at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. With an interdisciplinary approach, Frederik explores the dynamic intersection of computer science and management science, focusing on how emerging technologies transform business practices and decision-making.
Frederik is an active contributor to the Lessen consortium, where he plays a key role in developing a conversational AI agent. His work in this project spans user interaction design, domain adaptation, system explainability, and knowledge integration, all aimed at enhancing the accessibility and adaptability of AI-driven communication tools.
In addition, Frederik co-leads the Data/AI research team at the Center of Market Insights (CMI) at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, alongside the faculty’s Research Professor. The team’s research emphasizes Social Media and Online Consumer Engagement, AI Adoption, and AI Compliance, bridging academic insights with industry practices through impactful collaborations.
Beyond his work at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Frederik holds affiliations with the University of Amsterdam and maintains an international research and educational partnership with Del Institute of Technology in Indonesia, fostering global collaboration in AI and data-driven research and education.
The Impact of Quantization on Retrieval-Augmented Generation: An Analysis of Small LLMs
Yazan, M., & Situmeang, F. B. I. (2024). The Impact of Quantization on Retrieval-Augmented Generation: An Analysis of Small LLMs. In Information Retrieval's Role in RAG Systems 2024 (1 ed., Vol. 3784). CEUR-WS.
Rethinking Conversation Styles of Chatbots from the Customer Perspective: Relationships between Conversation Styles of Chatbots, Chatbot Acceptance, and Perceived Tie Strength and Perceived Risk
Yazan, M., & Situmeang, F. B. I. (2024). Rethinking Conversation Styles of Chatbots from the Customer Perspective: Relationships between Conversation Styles of Chatbots, Chatbot Acceptance, and Perceived Tie Strength and Perceived Risk. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction.
Effects of app pricing structures on product evaluations
Wolkenfelt, M. R. J., & Situmeang, F. B. I. (2020). Effects of app pricing structures on product evaluations. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 14(1), 89-110. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIM-11-2018-0141
Empowered by Innovation: Unravelling Determinants of Idea Implementation in Open Innovation Platforms
Situmeang, F., Loke, R., de Boer, N., & de Boer, D. (2019). Empowered by Innovation: Unravelling Determinants of Idea Implementation in Open Innovation Platforms. In S. Hammoudi, C. Quix, & J. Bernardino (Eds.), DATA 2019 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (Vol. 1, pp. 289-295). (DATA 2019 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications). SCITEPRESS Digital Library. https://doi.org/10.5220/0007948602890295
Final report
van Winden, W., Kras, N., Situmeang, F., de Boer, D., & Weltevreden, J. (2018). Final report: D3 “assessing the external perceptions about the entrepreneurial ecosystem of AMP and the key variables to work on”. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, CAREM.
There are More Behind the Stars: Mining Latent Dimensions and Customer Perceptions of Innovativeness from Online Review Texts
Situmeang, F., & Zhang, Z. (2018). There are More Behind the Stars: Mining Latent Dimensions and Customer Perceptions of Innovativeness from Online Review Texts. Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Surrey(2018). https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/amgblproc.surrey.2018.0029.abs
Would It Hurt to be Feminine? An Investigation of the Effects of Female Leads and Gender Specific Traits on the Enjoyment of Blockbuster Movies
Rouwendaal, P., Situmeang, F., & Napitupulu, L. (2018). Would It Hurt to be Feminine? An Investigation of the Effects of Female Leads and Gender Specific Traits on the Enjoyment of Blockbuster Movies. Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Surrey(2018). https://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/amgblproc.surrey.2018.0030.abs
New Product Performance
Situmeang, F. B. I., Leenders, M. A. A. M., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2017). New Product Performance: and the benefit of periodically changing the relative influence balance between marketing and R&D. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 32(1), 179-190.
The grass is not always greener
Situmeang, F., & Napitupulu, L. A. (2017). The grass is not always greener: the consequences of risk-taking behavior in the movie industry. Proceedings and membership directory - Academy of Management, 2017(1). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2017.16671abstract