Centre for Applied Research on Social Sciences and Law
dr. S. Sieckelinck (Stijn)
Professor Youth WorkProfessor of Youth Work Stijn Sieckelinck was born in Duffel in Belgium in 1980 and grew up in Mechelen. After studying social and philosophical pedagogy at the Catholic University of Leuven (1998-2003), he was employed as a youth worker in Ghent. He then did his PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) (2004-2009) which resulted in the publication of his book The Best of Youth. A philosophical-pedagogical perspective of young people and their idealism. Stijn was subsequently a researcher at various knowledge institutions such as the Forum Institute for Multicultural Issues (2010-2013), the Netherlands School for Public Administration, (2011-2013), Utrecht University (2014-2017) and McGill University in Montreal, Canada (2017). He focuses on social education issues. As a 'thinker in a world of doing', he seeks to contribute to better insights and approaches in science, practice and policy that benefit young people. In his book Reradicalising. Recruiting for a Better World (2017), Stijn presents a pedagogical vision of youth radicalisation. He is now putting the finishing touches to a book on the identity formation of young people in a polarised society titled Dream Teams. Working together on resilient identity formation of young people.
Besides his work as a researcher, Stijn Sieckelinck is also a methodology developer and advisor to governments in the Netherlands and abroad. His appointment to the research group Youth Work returns him back to his first love of working with young people, and he aims to draw awareness to the importance of youth work for creating a healthy society.
Preventie van Jonge Aanwas door Jongerenwerk en Straathoekwerk: Samenwerken aan Positieve Veiligheid
Koetsenruijter, R., Tuncay, B., Manders, W., & Sieckelinck, S. (2024). Preventie van Jonge Aanwas door Jongerenwerk en Straathoekwerk: Samenwerken aan Positieve Veiligheid: Literatuuronderzoek. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Youth Spot.
Kaulingfreks, F., De Jong, J. D., Sieckelinck, S., & Tuncay, B. (2024). Homebase: Een basis voor interventies ter preventie van jeugdcriminaliteit. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/ondermijning/documenten/rapporten/2024/04/11/homebase-een-basis-voor-interventies-ter-preventie-van-jeugdcriminaliteit
Supporters with Vantage Position: The Role of Youth Work in the Online Lifeworld from the Perspective of Adolescents and Youth Work’s Partners
Todorović, D., van der Linden, J., Sieckelinck, S., & Timmerman, M. C. (2024). Supporters with Vantage Position: The Role of Youth Work in the Online Lifeworld from the Perspective of Adolescents and Youth Work’s Partners. Youth, 4(2), 427-441. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth4020030
Jongerenwerk op 9 Nijmeegse VO-scholen
Mamahit, S., Koetsenruijter, R., & Sieckelinck, S. (2023). Jongerenwerk op 9 Nijmeegse VO-scholen: een onderzoek naar implementatie, meerwaarde en versterking. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Youth Spot.
Jongerenwerk op drie Arnhemse VO-scholen
Koetsenruijter, R., Manders, W., & Sieckelinck, S. (2023). Jongerenwerk op drie Arnhemse VO-scholen: een onderzoek naar implementatie, doelrealisatie en versterking. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Youth Spot.
Creating Caring and Just Democratic Schools to Prevent Extremism
de Ruyter, D., & Sieckelinck, S. (2023). Creating Caring and Just Democratic Schools to Prevent Extremism. Educational Theory, 73(3), 413-433. https://doi.org/10.1111/edth.12583
Developmental needs of adolescents in the online lifeworld in the context of youth work
Todorović, D., Sieckelinck, S., Manders, W., van der Linden, J., & Timmerman, M. C. (2023). Developmental needs of adolescents in the online lifeworld in the context of youth work. European Social Work Research, 1(2), 165-182. https://doi.org/10.1332/OXMM1218
Twee jaar jongerenwerk op Amsterdamse scholen: een onderzoek naar implementatie, doelrealisatie en versterking
van Dijk, T., Koetsenruijter, R., & Sieckelinck, S. (2023). Twee jaar jongerenwerk op Amsterdamse scholen: een onderzoek naar implementatie, doelrealisatie en versterking. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Youth Spot. https://www.hva.nl/binaries/content/assets/subsites/kc-mr/lectoraat-ys/eindrapportage-bv150223-2_rkss.pdf?1676549565928
Responding to radicalisation through education
Sieckelinck, S., & Stephens, W. (2023). Responding to radicalisation through education. In J. Busher, L. Malkki, & S. Marsden (Eds.), The Routledge handbook on radicalisation and countering radicalisation (pp. 415-430). Taylor and Francis Ltd.. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003035848-31
Echt zijn in de online leefwereld
Todorović, D., Koetsenruijter, R., Manders, W., & Sieckelinck, S. (2023). Echt zijn in de online leefwereld: Een handreiking voor jongerenwerkers. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Youth Spot.
Jongerenwerk in school
van Dijk, T., Koetsenruijter, R., & Sieckelinck, S. (2022). Jongerenwerk in school. Poster session presented at AKMI Posterpresentaties.
Professioneel jongerenwerk: een love tori
Sieckelinck, S. (2022). Professioneel jongerenwerk: een love tori. Academische Uitgeverij Eburon,.
Speelruimte voor identiteit
Sieckelinck, S., & Kaulingfreks, F. (2021). Speelruimte voor identiteit: Samenwerken aan veerkrachtige identiteitsvorming bij jongeren. Amsterdam University Press.
Resiliences to radicalization
Stephens, W., & Sieckelinck, S. (2021). Resiliences to radicalization: four key perspectives. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 66, Article 100486. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlcj.2021.100486
Perspectieven op veerkracht: een inleiding voor professionals in het sociaal domein
Kaulingfreks, F., Sieckelinck, S., & Walraven, G. (2021). Perspectieven op veerkracht: een inleiding voor professionals in het sociaal domein. Hogeschool InHolland. https://www.inholland.nl/onderzoek/publicaties/perspectieven-op-veerkracht-een-inleiding-voor-professionals-in-het-sociaal-domein
Understanding Societal Resilience
Anholt, R., van Dullemen, C., de Carvalho, J. S., Rijbroek, J., Sieckelinck, S., & Slootman, M. W. (2021). Understanding Societal Resilience: The Case for Engaged Scholarship. In M. Ungar (Ed.), Multisystemic Resilience: Adaptation and Transformation in Contexts of Change (pp. 551-564). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190095888.003.0029
Being resilient to radicalisation in PVE policy
Stephens, W., & Sieckelinck, S. (2020). Being resilient to radicalisation in PVE policy: a critical examination. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 13(1), 142-165. https://doi.org/10.1080/17539153.2019.1658415
Transitional journeys into and out of extremism. A biographical approach
Sieckelinck, S., Sikkens, E., San, M. V., Kotnis, S., & De Winter, M. (2019). Transitional journeys into and out of extremism. A biographical approach. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 42(7), 662-682. https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2017.1407075
Radicalization and religion
Stephens, L., & Sieckelinck, S. (2019). Radicalization and religion. In Religion and European Society: A Primer (pp. 159-170). Wiley-IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119162766.ch10
Preventing Violent Extremism
Stephens, W., Sieckelinck, S., & Boutellier, H. (2019). Preventing Violent Extremism: A Review of the Literature. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 44(4), 346-361. https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2018.1543144
Working across boundaries in preventing violent extremism
Stephens, W., & Sieckelinck, S. (2019). Working across boundaries in preventing violent extremism: Towards a typology for collaborative arrangements in PVE policy. Journal for Deradicalization, (20), 272-313.
Parents’ Perspectives on Radicalization
Sikkens, E., van San, M., Sieckelinck, S., & de Winter, M. (2018). Parents’ Perspectives on Radicalization: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(7), 2276-2284. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-018-1048-x
Exposure to Extremist Online Content Could Lead to Violent Radicalization
Hassan, G., Brouillette-Alarie, S., Alava, S., Frau-Meigs, D., Lavoie, L., Fetiu, A., Varela, W., Borokhovski, E., Venkatesh, V., Rousseau, C., & Sieckelinck, S. (2018). Exposure to Extremist Online Content Could Lead to Violent Radicalization: A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence. International Journal of Developmental Sciences, 12(1-2), 71-88. https://doi.org/10.3233/DEV-170233
Sieckelinck, S. (2017). Reradicaliseren: Ronselen voor een betere wereld. LannooCampus.
Participant Recruitment through Social Media
Sikkens, E., van San, M., Sieckelinck, S., Boeije, H., & de Winter, M. (2017). Participant Recruitment through Social Media: Lessons Learned from a Qualitative Radicalization Study Using Facebook. Field Methods, 29(2), 130-139. https://doi.org/10.1177/1525822X16663146
Parental reaction towards radicalization in young people
Sikkens, E., Sieckelinck, S., van San, M., & de Winter, M. (2017). Parental reaction towards radicalization in young people. Child & Family Social Work, 22(2), 1044-1053. https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12324
Neither Villains Nor Victims
Sieckelinck, S., Kaulingfreks, F., & De Winter, M. (2015). Neither Villains Nor Victims: Towards an Educational Perspective on Radicalisation. British Journal of Educational Studies, 63(3), 329-343. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071005.2015.1076566
Ideals adrift
van San, M., Sieckelinck, S., & de Winter, M. (2013). Ideals adrift: an educational approach to radicalization. Ethics and Education, 8(3), 276-289. https://doi.org/10.1080/17449642.2013.878100
Mad about ideals? Educating children to become reasonably passionate
Sieckelinck, S. M. A., & De Ruyter, D. J. (2009). Mad about ideals? Educating children to become reasonably passionate. Educational Theory, 59(2), 181-196. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-5446.2009.00313.x
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- Competente coaches voor kwetsbare jongeren
- Werkplaats Jongerenwerk: preventie van jonge aanwas
- Jongerenwerkers aan zet in de strijd tegen armoede en schulden
- Crafting resilience
- Werkplaats Jongerenwerk: Ervaringskennis in het jongerenwerk
- Crafting resilience
- Werkplaats jongerenwerk: jongerenwerk in VO-scholen
- Het in beeld brengen en versterken van jongerenwerk in VO-scholen
- Jongerenwerk in online leefwereld van jongeren
- Samenwerking Jongerenwerk en Voortgezet Onderwijs