Centre of Applied Research Technology

1001 Hot Nights (Night-time heat)


Due to climate change, we are experiencing more frequent and prolonged heat. Prolonged heat causes buildings and homes to heat up, preventing residents from cooling down at night and causing poor sleep. This leads to negative effects on health, labor productivity and livability. With the 1001 Hot Nights project, the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences is investigating, together with partners, how to best respond to night-time heat.

Too little useful knowledge is currently available about how often and where night-time heat occurs. The 1001 Hot Nights project therefore aims to find out how often and where this phenomenon arises now and in the future. It also investigates what temperatures residents find unacceptable, what spatial factors influence this and what measures in cities and homes can reduce problems.

The researchers are using these insights to create advice and guidelines with and for the field - including municipalities and housing corporations - on the cool design of homes and outdoor spaces. The results of the project form the basis for new heat stress tests and the development of local heat plans.


Students participate in this project as part of an internship or as student assistants. Research results find their way into education at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. This happens through lectures, graduation projects and minors for students, and in the field through presentations and climate adaptation courses for professionals.

Funding and partners

The 1001 Hot Nights project is commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management and financially supported by TauwFoundation and the provinces of Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel, North Holland, South Holland, North Brabant and Zeeland.

Partners within the project are the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (lead partner), KNMI, Climate Adaptation Services Foundation, Weather Impact and TAUW consultancy firms.

Research group Climate Resilient City

This project belongs to the research group Climate Resilient City. More and heavier rainfall, prolonged drought and heat, and rising sea levels. The effects of climate change are being felt. The research group conducts practice-oriented research into how to organise cities in such a way that residents and users will be able to live, do business and be comfortable and secure in the future. With the insights from the research, government, businesses and residents can look forward to a climate-proof city.

Published by  Centre for Applied Research Technology 17 September 2024