Centre for Economic Transformation| CET
Professor Marco Snoek heads the professorship of Teacher Development and School Innovation.
He studied Physics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). In 1989, he joined the team of the teacher training programme at the former Holland University of Applied Sciences. He later moved to the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), first as a teaching expert in Physics, subsequently as a senior policy officer and since 2003 as a professor. In his work, he has contributed to a large number of innovative projects within the teacher training programmes at Holland University of Applied Sciences and the AUAS, as well as to national innovative projects on the curriculum of teacher training programmes.
From 2003, he has served as professor of Teacher Development and School Innovation at the AUAS. His objectives in this professorship pertain to professionalism and leadership among teachers as well as teacher trainers. He aims to achieve these objectives by undertaking research projects, supporting academic training schools and contributing to the development as well as the performance of Master's degree programmes (the Teacher Development and School Innovation profile within the Master's in Educational Theory, as well as the Master's in Professional Mastery). To this end, he cooperates with lecturer-researchers from the teacher training programmes as well as from primary education, secondary education and senior secondary vocational education. He is actively involved in the professional groups of teacher trainers (board member of Velon until 2011) and teachers (senator at the Onderwijscoöperatie since 2012). On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, he is also a member of the European Commission's thematic working group Professional Development of Teachers.
- Van individueel gericht leren naar gericht team- en organisatieleren
- Professionele leerculturen als gezamenlijke opdracht en verantwoordelijkheid
- Patronen in scholen
- Interprofessionele samenwerking tussen kinderopvang, basisonderwijs en jeugdhulp
- Podcastserie Minder uren, betere lessen?
- ERASMUS+ Co-Creating inclusive school communities
- Samen Vernieuwend Opleiden
- Whole Teacher Development for Whole Child Development
- Literatuurverkenning veerkracht en zelfvertrouwen
- Selectie en intake in de lerarenopleidingen.
- Vervolg effecten van masteropleidingen
- Teammasters in het primair onderwijs in Amsterdam Zuidoost
- Het UPvA afstudeeronderzoek als boundary object
- ERASMUS+ Education for the Future
- ERASMUS+ Education for the Future
- Vakdidactische transfer
- De effecten van masteropleidingen
- Kwalitatief onderzoek InnovatieImpuls Onderwijs
- Review selectie ten behoeve van de lerarenopleiding
- Ontwikkeling van competenties van leerkrachten op het gebied van preventie en aanpak van gedragsproblemen in het primair onderwijs.