Centre for Financial Innovation
Latest news
29 Results
Kim Poldner appointed as new interim Scientific Director
29 November 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationEffective January 1, 2025, Kim Poldner has been appointed interim Scientific Director of the Centre for Economic Transformation (CET).
Call for Proposals 2024
5 February 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationCET invites HvA employees to submit proposals, with two funding rounds available, totalling €100,000 per round. They can use these seed funds to set up small-scale experiments, write grant applications, engage ...
AI in finance & accounting: wat we kunnen en wat we willen
16 January 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationDocent-onderzoekers Kees van Montfort en Gert de Jong bespreken de potentiële relevante toepassingen van AI in finance en accounting. Daarbij belichten ze ook de dilemma's die samenhangen met het gebruik van AI ...
Goede begeleiding van jonge financiële professionals is cruciaal
8 January 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationJonge financiële professionals aantrekken én behouden in een concurrerende arbeidsmarkt: het is een flinke uitdaging voor het mkb. Het onderzoeksproject Young Professionals, onder leiding van dr. Hannah ...
AI as a tool for daily tasks
14 December 2023 | HvA Expertisecentrum Applied Artificial IntelligenceI often speak with people around me who say they don't use ChatGPT, which is completely understandable since not everyone is familiar with this software yet or has a clear idea of what you can do with it. For me, ...
Promotieonderzoek José Ruiz biedt retailbanken een leidraad
11 December 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationIn het licht van de financieel-technologische revolutie (FinTech) staan gevestigde retailbanken voor een cruciale beslissing: omarmen ze innovatieve technologieën van FinTech-bedrijven, of blijven ze vasthouden ...
Connecting social entrepreneurship education and research
31 October 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationA successful Research and Education Conference was held at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) on October 10, 2023, Fringe Day of the annual Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF). This event, with a ...
Cynisme over banken mag wel een tandje minder
31 August 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationEr is te weinig aandacht voor de maatschappelijke meerwaarde die banken creëren, betoogt Frank-Jan de Graaf in het FD.
Transformation Cities Seminar
4 July 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationEnd of June we had an inspiring meeting organised together with Euricur (KU Leuven) and led by Willem van Winden on the different compasses cities can use for economic transformation. Topics included the Doughnut ...
Selling online and cross-border shopping
14 June 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationThe doctoral research of Sjoukje Goldman - By understanding the marketing strategies of small eretailers, building trust between consumers and foreign e-shops and analysing buying behaviour across generations, ...
The need for circular procurement in healthcare
31 May 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationThe Modelling Dynamic Lifecycle Impacts of Circular Procurement in Healthcare (MODLI) project has received a Raak-publiek subsidy to advance the transition towards circular procurement in healthcare.
Triodos verdient meer begrip als pionier duurzaam bankieren
23 May 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationBanken als Triodos Bank die duurzaam proberen te bankieren, verdienen meer steun van politiek en consument. Dat stelt lector Corporate Governance & Leadership Frank Jan De Graaf in een opiniestuk in Trouw.
The Amsterdam Doughnut Coalition: some critical reflections
27 March 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationHow does Doughnut Economics play out on the ground? Last summer, Sophia Manolis, a Bachelor student from Stanford University, came to Amsterdam, to take stock of how Doughnut thinking is applied in the city.
Vakpublicatie en reflecties Van Goeden Huize gebundeld
25 January 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationBij de afronding van het onderzoeksproject Van Goeden Huize hebben onderzoekers en samenwerkingspartners reflecties geschreven over het onderzoek: Wat heeft het onderzoek hen geleerd en opgeleverd? Deze bijdragen ...
Dutch organisations are still a long way from realising the SDGs
23 January 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationIn this first-time report titled the SDG Barometer 2022, the Netherlands can gain important insights regarding the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by Dutch organisations. This research has been ...
A look inside the coworking space - PhD Victor Cabral
18 January 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationIn the last two decades, a rapid rise in the number of coworking spaces has taken place in many cities across the globe. Coworking spaces are shared office spaces for people who wish to pursue work in socially ...
CIE Conference attracts scholars from around the world
17 January 2023 | Centre for Economic TransformationOn 25 November 2022, the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) and the Maastricht School of Management (MSM) jointly organized an online Collaborative Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) Conference. The ...
Doughnut Design Tool for businesses: now available!
2 November 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationDo you want your company to take the step towards the Donut Economy? From now on, you can get started with the Donut Design Tool for businesses. A practical guide with insights and tips to start transforming your ...
Data science kan mkb-accountants helpen
25 October 2022Onlangs presenteerden de onderzoekers van het project De Digitale Accountant hun onderzoeksresultaten op een minicongres bij de Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants (NBA). De huidige stand van zaken en ...
Zeno AI wins the Dutch Applied AI Award 2022
6 October 2022 | HvA Expertisecentrum Applied Artificial IntelligenceZeno AI was awarded a Dutch Applied AI Award on Wednesday evening, 5 October. WSK Medical's technology helps ENT doctors detect throat cancer in patients at an early stage. This is done during an endoscopy, with ...
First year students explore True Price-model for jeans
2 September 2022During the Student Orientation ‘HvA Experience’ last week we ask the festival goers to guess the ‘True Price’ of a pair of 80 euro jeans, e.g. the market price plus the social and ...
7 July 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationCan't wait to start your holiday? No work, deadlines, colleagues, nothing to do...? Or wait, maybe finally read the books that are still on your bedside table... And would you like more inspiration? Then take a look ...
Collaborative Organizing for Grand Challenges
13 June 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationOn 7 June, Lori DiVito, lecturer Collaborative Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the AUAS, presented her inaugural lecture. The CIE professorship focuses on the collaborative paradigm in economic transformation and ...
RAAK-subsidie voor Culturele kracht en het onverwachte
1 June 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationHet onderzoeksproject ‘Culturele kracht en het onverwachte’ beoogt zakelijk leiders van podiumkunstinstellingen instrumentarium te bieden dat hen in staat stelt strategische en financiële ...
Chatbots that converse smarter and more naturally
4 April 2022 | HvA Expertisecentrum Applied Artificial IntelligenceResearch project LESSEN receives a NWA grant of 4.6 million euro for research into and development of a versatile chatbot algorithm that needs little data to converse effectively. The project is an initiative of the ...
Five hard questions and the need for capacity building
3 March 2022In the Atelier project, Amsterdam and Bilbao are building Positive Energy Districts: urban districts that create more energy than they consume and do it in a CO2 neutral way. Six other European cities (Bratislava, ...
Hafid Ballafkih appointed tenure-track professor
14 February 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationHafid Ballafkih has been appointed tenure-track professor of ‘Labour and Human Capital in Transition’ in The Work Lab research group. A tenure-track professor is an AUAS position for talented postdoctoral ...
When Business meets the Doughnut
25 January 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationHow can businesses be re-designed to realise a world that is regenerative, rather than degenerative? A world that is far more distributive of value and opportunity than today’s economy?
AI investments highly profitable in the Amsterdam region
2 November 2021 | HvA Expertisecentrum Applied Artificial IntelligenceEvery euro invested in R&D for artificial intelligence (AI) in the Amsterdam region can generate more than five euros in extra economic prosperity in the long term. This is the outcome of research into the added ...