Centre for Financial Innovation
T.W. Maassen (Toon)
Toon Maassen is an interdisciplinary researcher focused on accelerating the transition to a sustainable society. He works at both the Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Business & Economics. At the Research Group Entrepreneurship, he studies 'regenerative business models,' exploring how the economy can learn to restore nature and society. Within the Research Group Corporate Governance and Leadership, he works on ownership models that combine democracy, entrepreneurship, and mission-driven approaches, such as 'steward-owned' companies and cooperatives. At the Faculty of Technology, he collaborates with LeerLevels to develop digital and modular educational materials, teaching future generations about sustainability topics like climate, biodiversity, the energy transition, and the protein transition interactively. In addition to his research work, he is also dedicated to putting cooperative and sustainable urban living into practice at Broedplaats De Ceuvel , Wooncoöperatie de Warren , the MeentCoöp and Platform Wooncoöperaties Amsterdam .
Regenerative business models
Energy transition and climate
Culture and storytelling
In the media:
De Ceuvel mag langer in Noord blijven
Cafe de Ceuvel in Amsterdam wilde de planeet redden en het pensioenfonds deed uiteindelijk mee
Hoe wordt je een ideale klimaatactivist?
'Grootste risico? Niet dekkingsgraad maar droog wonen'
In 2020 en 2021 presenteerde Toon het kinder-TV-programma over natuur en klimaat op NPO3 Zapp Your Planet.
10 Voorbeelden van Regeneratief Ondernemen
Maassen, T., Drupsteen, L., & van der Zwet, E. (2024). 10 Voorbeelden van Regeneratief Ondernemen: van schade minimaliseren naar herstel maximaliseren . Centre of Economic Transformation.