Cities Including Children

  M.N. Groen (Maarten)

Teacher Researcher
Work address:
Benno Premselahuis, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam
Postal address:
Postbus 40,1000 AA Amsterdam
Room number:
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Maarten Groen MSc is a lecturer/researcher in the Visual Methodologies and Responsible IT lectorate and conducts research on collecting and analyzing data from the city.


Maarten researches the collection and analysis of data from the city from various perspectives. He works on tools and methods to collect and interpret data together with, for example, residents. He also works on data analysis projects in which large amounts of data from the city are analyzed using, for example, image recognition algorithms.


Maarten enjoys doing projects that make use of the latest technological developments. He enjoys studying new topics and their practical application, always with a critical eye on the impact on society.

Current projects

Maarten is currently working on several research projects such as Urban Belonging (on tools for citizen empowerment), and Building for Well-being (analyzing urban areas with image recognition algorithms based on streetview photos)

Current teaching activities

Maarten works as a lecturer at HBO-ICT. At the HBO-ICT program he coordinates a project in which students create a web application in 20 weeks for a client from the field or for one of the HvA's research groups.


Maarten graduated in 2012 from the University of Amsterdam in Information Studies with a specialization in Human Centered Multimedia.
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