Cities Including Children

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Maarten Hogenstijn is senior researcher at the Amsterdan University of Applied Sciences and researches social entrepreneurship within the program Entrepreneurship. He has been affiliated with the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam since 2015.

Hogenstijn studied social geography (Utrecht University, MA 2002, Ph.D. 2008) and is also educated in journalism (postgraduate, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2003). He specializes in qualitative research methods.

He wrote the book the book 'Social entrepreneurship: getting a grip on the concept' (2018), which is about the development of social entrepreneurship in the Netherlands. A new book will be published in 2024. Specific research projects focus on the ecosystem of social and impact entrepreneurship, impact measurement, the relationships between social entrepreneurs and local governments, and education in social entrepreneurship.

In education, he is part of the teams of the minor Entrepreneurship for Society and the Master Economic Transformation. He is also a core group member of the Knowledge Network Social Entrepreneurship Netherlands (KSON), a member of the Review Board of the Social Enterprise Code and a member of the international research network EMES.


Social Entrepreneurship, impact