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Dick van Damme

Professor of Mainport Logistics

Dick van Damme has been Professor of Mainport Logistics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences since 2003. He focuses on sustainable and efficient regional logistics in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.


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About Dick van Damme

Dick van Damme has been Professor of Mainport Logistics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences since 2003. He focuses on sustainable and efficient regional logistics in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. “Our discipline is increasingly about the big picture and its relationship to major societal transitions, such as towards sustainable energy and a circular economy”, he says. “This focus enables us to increase our impact.”

He was awarded his PhD in Distribution Logistics & Financial Information at Eindhoven University of Technology. Van Damme worked as Professor of International Distribution Logistics at Eindhoven University of Technology until 2001. He studied (Organisational) Psychology and Pedagogy (Educational Sciences) at Leiden University. He participated in the postgraduate course Managing Integral Goods Flow Control at the Logistics Management Association (vLm).

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Ancillary positions

  • Member of the Research Advisory Board, Netherlands Institute for Public Safety (Nederlands Instituut Publieke Veiligheid)