Anne Eskes
Professor Patient and Family Participation in Clinical Care

Anne Eskes is a professor in Patient and Family Participation in Clinical Care at the AUAS. Her research group is a collaboration between the AUAS, Amsterdam UMC and OLVG. In addition, she works primarily at Amsterdam UMC as an associate professor within the Department of Surgery.
nursing | surgery | patient and family participation | quantitative and qualitative research methods
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About Anne Eskes
Anne Eskes has been a professor in Patient and Family Participation in Clinical Care at the AUAS since 2022. Since 2017, she has worked primarily at Amsterdam UMC, where she conducts research as an associate professor on the active involvement of patients and their families.
Anne is a principal investigator at the Cancer Center Amsterdam, where she is also a member of the research board. Her research focuses on patient and family participation in clinical (nursing) care. She has a background in nursing and clinical epidemiology and obtained her PhD in 2012. In addition, she was appointed principal nurse educator at Amsterdam UMC in 2019, a position for senior researchers with exceptional talent for educational innovation.
Since 2018, Anne has also held the position of adjunct senior research fellow at Griffith University in Gold Coast, Australia. Anne Eskes has more than 70 international peer-reviewed publications and approximately 50 national publications in professional journals for nurses. In recent years, she has received research grants from ZonMw, KWF, and innovation grants from Amsterdam UMC. In 2023, she was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal about her research.
Ancillary positions
- adjunct senior researcher, Griffith University Australia
- member of the research board, Cancer Center Amsterdam