Bas Kokshoorn
Professor of Forensic Trace Dynamics

Bas Kokshoorn is Professor of Forensic Trace Dynamics at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Principal Scientist at the Netherlands Forensic Institute.
Forensic Biology | Human biological traces | DNA | Behaviour of biological traces | Molecular phylogenetics | Bayesian networks
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About Bas Kokshoorn
Bas Kokshoorn is Professor of Forensic Trace Dynamics at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. He is also a Principal Scientist at the Netherlands Forensic Institute and a forensic expert in the field of human biological traces. He received his PhD from Leiden University in 2008.
Bas researches the interpretation of forensic evidence, and specifically the question of what trace evidence can tell us about the actions of people who left these traces. He is involved in national and international research projects in which questions from forensic practice are always paramount.
Ancillary positions
- Assessor DNA at The Netherlands Register of Court Experts (Nederlands Register Gerechtelijk Deskundigen)
- Member of expert working group 'Human Factors in Forensic Genetics' at the National Institute of Standards and Technology