Yolanda Nijssen
Professor by special appointment of Recovery-Oriented Practice in Severe Mental Illness

Yolanda Nijssen is a professor by special appointment of Recovery-Oriented Practice in Severe Mental Illness at AUAS. She also works as a senior researcher at the mental health institution Parnassia Groep.
quality mental health care | serious mental disorders | recovery-oriented work | implementation
- Email: y.a.m.nijssen@hva.nl(opens in new window)
- LinkedIn: Follow Yolanda on LinkedIn
About Yolanda Nijssen
Yolanda Nijssen has been a professor by special appointment of Recovery-Oriented Work with Severe Mental Illnesses at the AUAS since 2022. The research group was established in collaboration with Parnassia Groep, where it contributes to the research line of Recovery-Oriented Care within the Platform for Nursing and Social Work Research and Innovation. Yolanda also teaches in the Master's programme in Mental Health Nursing at the AUAS.
Yolanda worked for over 10 years as a nurse at the AMC, both in somatic and psychiatric care. After her training in Clinical Epidemiology at AMC, she earned her PhD in 2000 with research on the quality of care in closed psychiatric inpatient units. Since then, she has worked as a practice-oriented researcher, first at AMC De Meren and Arkin in Amsterdam, and since 2010 as a senior researcher at the mental health institution Parnassia Groep. From 2009 to 2010, Yolanda worked as a policy officer in the Master's programme in Medicine at VUmc, and between 2013 and 2019, she was a science practitioner at Tranzo Tilburg University.
The research projects Yolanda initiates, coordinates, and supervises focus on promoting recovery-oriented care. This includes monitoring and implementing evidence-based interventions and innovations in the mental health field, with the perspective: "Are we doing the right things, and are we doing them well?"
Ancillary positions
- linking Pin Academic Workplace long-term mental health care
- correspondent Participation and Recovery Magazine
- member expert council Breakthrough project Digital transformation mental health care