Ingrid Wakkee is lector of the Research Group Entrepreneurship at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) and scientific director of the Centre for Economic Transformation (CET). In her role as lector of the Entrepreneurship department, she is responsible for the practice-oriented research program on entrepreneurship, where themes such as sustainable, diverse, and digital entrepreneurship are linked to issues of entrepreneurship education and new business models.
Wakkee views entrepreneurship primarily as a socially embedded process where multiple value creation through innovation is central. This can occur in the context of new businesses, but it doesn't have to: entrepreneurship largely takes place within the context of existing SMEs, and it is also a way of thinking and acting. Much of her research focuses on the development of entrepreneurial skills and an entrepreneurial mindset, particularly for employees within organizations.
Her work has been published in national and international scientific journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change and Technovation, as well as in edited volumes on the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, Wakkee is a visiting professor at the Thapar School of Management in Punjab, India, and an associate research fellow at the Fachhoch Schule in Münster, Germany. Wakkee has an extensive (inter)national network and is involved in multiple Dutch and European research and education consortia. She often serves as a committee member of the education council for entrepreneurship, such as for the EIT (EU) and NVAO (NL). Furthermore, she is a board member of the Dutch Lector Platform for Entrepreneurship (Nederlands Lectoren Platform Ondernemerschap) and the Dutch Academy for Researchers in Entrepreneurship (DARE).
Female Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Education
Failure & Restart
(Collaborative) Business Models
Social Entrepreneurship
- DigiFABs
- DigiFABs
- InvestWomen
- InvestWomen
- Regenerative business models
- Businessmodellen voor buurtlogistiek met hubs (Duurzame buurtlogistiek)
- Generation Blockchain
- Fawaka - Impact-driven entrepreneurship education for children
- Fawaka - Impact-gedreven ondernemerschapsonderwijs voor kinderen
- Degrees of Engagement
- Mate van Betrokkenheid (DoE) Het Samen
- Monitor Digitale Werkplekken
- MKB Digital Workspace
- WeRin
- WeRin
- Generation Blockchain
- Digitale Innovatie
- Digitale Innovation
- Unlock
- Unlock
- 3SV -Signaleer snel symptomen & voorkom verder verval
- 3SV -Fast identification of symptoms and prevention of further damage
- Design elements of educational escape rooms
- Ontwerpelementen van educatieve escape rooms
- IXANext Maatregelen voor Ondernemerschapsonderwijs
- IXANext Maatregelen voor Ondernemerschapsonderwijs