
De Rol van Sales in Ondernemersfalen

Professional Doctorate Traject


The personal selling role is a vital role for owner-managers to help their business survive and become successful. Entrepreneurs often struggle with this role.

Based on the analysis of the Project Fenix data, we concluded that ineffective sales actions contribute to business failure. The reasons are the lack of time and personal sales skills. Plus, some owner-managers just hate having to sell.

Interviews with owner-manager for insights

Based on these results, twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with owner-managers of (B-to-B) SMEs, specifically about their sales role. The data from these interviews is used to understand how owner-managers behave in this role. Through this dissertation, we will hopefully learn lessons in the coming years about how owner-managers conduct personal sales activities and what needs to be improved in this role to increase the likelihood of recovery from difficulties in their lives.

The practical aim of this project is to support (future) entrepreneurs, students of entrepreneurship, policy makers and professionals who advise entrepreneurs on the interface of Sales and Entrepreneurship.

Rol van Sales, schema De Groot & Wakkee, 2022

Rol van Sales, Bron: De Groot & Wakkee, 2022

Published by  Entrepreneurship 12 July 2024

Project Info

Start date 01 Jan 2020
End date 01 Oct 2023
