Getting started

Master Digital Driven Business

Getting started

Welcome to the AUAS! This page provides all the practical information you need to start the academic year off strong.

Finalise your enrolment

  • Have you already paid your tuition fees and taken all the steps necessary to finalise your enrolment? Check your Enrolment Checklist to see if you missed anything.
  • You need to complete all the steps before you can start your degree programme in September.
  • Your enrolment is official when you receive a notification of Proof of Enrolment, which will be sent to your email address.

AUAS ID and password

  • After enrolling at AUAS, you will receive a welcome email containing your AUAS ID (username).
  • With your AUAS ID and password, you have access to AUAS's websites, systems, apps and computers.
  • At you can activate your AUAS ID. If you have forgotten your password or want to change it, go also to this page.
  • Please keep in mind that when your private email address is mentioned, this is the address you are registered with in Studielink.
  • More information about activating your AUAS ID and changing or resetting your password.

Student ID card

You can use your student ID card to:

  • Confirm your identity when attending classes and when using study centres at all AUAS locations.
  • To identify yourself at online exams.
    Only if you do not have a student ID card, you can identify yourself with a valid identity card. For online exams, the BSN must not be visible on the screen.
    Please note: for exams on location only an ID card or passport is considered as a valid proof of identity, not a student card!
  • Borrow books from the university library or the university of applied sciences library.
  • Check all information about your student ID card and how to apply.

Please note: if you don’t live in the Netherlands, your student ID card will not be sent to your home address. It will be ready for you to collect from one of the AUAS service points.

Introduction days

The introduction programme will start on Monday 26 August. More information regarding the programme (26-30 August) has been sent to you by e-mail.

AUAS introduction 2024

  • Would you like to know what the AUAS has to offer besides your degree programme? Join the AUAS Introduction on Thursday 29 August.
  • Get to know the AUAS and get a taste of student life in Amsterdam, our student platforms, facilities and more!


Reading list

You will find the reading list for each module on Brightspace.


At AUAS, you can use various software for your studies free of charge.


Class list

Digital Driven Business students will be enrolled in groups DDB1A, DDB1B or DDB1C  (FBE_L24-DDB1A, FBE_L24-DDB1B, FBE_L24-DDB1C) .

As of August 26th, you can find the timetable(s) on (The division by class can be found on Brightspace from 1 September).


  • Once you have your class list, you will be able to check your timetable at
  • You can link your timetable to calendar applications such as Outlook, Google Calendar, iCalendar or the calendar application on your mobile phone.
  • Check out the AUAS academic calendar to find out how the academic year is structured and when the holiday periods are scheduled.

Course catalogue


  • Every day starts at
  • You can log in with your AUAS ID and password.
  • You will find quick access to the most important information here, such as your timetable, latest results, announcements and news.
  • MyAUAS is your portal to essential information, such as the A-Z list, your programme page, the library, contact info for your lecturers and direct links to other applications such as SIS and Brightspace.


You can always contact us. Ask your question .

Published by  Communication 17 July 2024