Centre for Applied Research of the Faculty of Digital Media & Creative Industries
G.W. Lovink (Geert)
Professor Network CulturesGeert Lovink is a media theoretician and internet critic. His research group was renamed the Institute of Network Cultures (www.networkcultures.org) in mid-2004, and it conducts research into online video, social media, search engines, business models and the creative industry.
Lovink was appointed in two roles simultaneously in 2004: professor of the Interactive Media Bachelor programme (now Communication and Multimedia Design) at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences; and associate professor at the University of Amsterdam, Media Studies (which he held until 1 September 2013).
Lovink is also professor of Media Theory at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee (Switzerland) and is affiliated to the Centre for Digital Culture at the Leuphana-Universitt in Luneburg (Germany). His recent books are Zero Comments (2007) and Networks Without a Cause (2012), both published in English, German and Italian.
Lovink obtained his PhD at the University of Melbourne and he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Queensland.
Exploring Expanded Publishing Experiments
Eckenhaussen, S., Lovink, G., & Pinto, C. (2024). Exploring Expanded Publishing Experiments: Not Yet Another Tool. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/expub/2024/11/13/exploring-expanded-publishing-experiments-not-yet-another-tool/
Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in the Cultural Field
Eckenhaussen, S. (Ed.), Milutinović, S. (Ed.), Valente Pinto, C. (Ed.), Balaguer, C., Boschat-Thorez, S., Dunnewind, A., Groothuizen, R., van der Kooij, H., Britton, R. L., Lovink, G., Molenda, A., Mansoux, A., Moubarak, K., Murtaugh, M., Osipian, M., Stolk, L., Arkenbout, C., Hammelburg, E., & Viader Guerrero, J. (2024). Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in the Cultural Field. Institute of Network Cultures. https://etherport.org/publications/inc/screentime-airtime-facetime/
Smart Phone Mythologies–On Dasha Ilina’s Advice Well Taken
Lovink, G. (2023). Smart Phone Mythologies–On Dasha Ilina’s Advice Well Taken. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2023/11/29/smart-phone-mythologies-on-dasha-ilinas-advice-well-taken/
Extinction Internet
Lovink, G. W. (2023). Extinction Internet. Funilaira.
Geert Lovink interviews Vera Tollmann on View from Above
Lovink, G. (2023). Geert Lovink interviews Vera Tollmann on View from Above. Web publication or website, Media Theory. https://mediatheoryjournal.org/2023/10/15/geert-lovink-interviews-vera-tollmann-on-view-from-above/
Interview with German Media Theorist Vera Tollmann on View from Above
Lovink, G. (2023). Interview with German Media Theorist Vera Tollmann on View from Above. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2023/10/11/interview-with-german-media-theorist-vera-tollmann-on-view-from-above/
Bookness in the Arts
Lovink, G. W. (2023). Bookness in the Arts. In A. Vorstermans, & P. Pol (Eds.), Future Book(s)—Sharing Ideas on Books and (Art) Publishing Valiz. https://valiz.nl/en/publications/future-book-s-2
Bruce Sterling on the Art of Text-to-Image Generative AI
Lovink, G. (2023). Bruce Sterling on the Art of Text-to-Image Generative AI. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/blog/2023/05/17/bruce-sterling-on-the-art-of-text-to-image-generative-ai/
Interview with German Media Theorist Annekathrin Kohout about her Book Nerds, K-pop and Cuteness
Lovink, G. (2023). Interview with German Media Theorist Annekathrin Kohout about her Book Nerds, K-pop and Cuteness. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2023/04/24/annekathrin-kohout/
Stuck on the Platform
Lovink, G. W. (2023). Stuck on the Platform. Bellaterra Edicions.
Lovink, G. W. (2023). Internetdämmerung: Über das Ende der Netzkulturen wie wir sie kennen. Lettre, (140). https://www.lettre.de/beitrag/lovink-geert_internetdaemmerung
Internetimizi Geri Almanin Yolu
Lovink, G. W. (2023). Internetimizi Geri Almanin Yolu. İletişim Publications.
Optimist by Nature, Pessimist by Design
Lovink, G., & Lin, N. (2023). Optimist by Nature, Pessimist by Design: Writing Network Cultures. Technology and Language, 4(3), 118-128. https://doi.org/10.48417/technolang.2023.03.09
Extinction Internet
Lovink, G. (2022). Extinction Internet. Web publication or website, Eurozine. https://www.eurozine.com/extinction-internet/
Le paludi della piattaforma
Lovink, G. W. (2022). Le paludi della piattaforma. NERO.
El ruido es la nueva banda sonora de tu vida
Lovink, G. (2022). El ruido es la nueva banda sonora de tu vida: No es un efecto secundario, es un estado general. Web publication or website, EL PAÍS: el periódico global. https://elpais.com/ideas/2022-05-15/el-ruido-es-la-nueva-banda-sonora-de-tu-vida.html
Mental long Covid and the techno-social unconsciousness
Lovink, G. (2022). Mental long Covid and the techno-social unconsciousness: a conversation with Franco "Bifo" Berardi. Web publication or website, e-flux. https://www.e-flux.com/notes/468343/mental-long-covid-and-the-techno-social-unconscious-a-conversation-with-franco-bifo-berardi
Propositions on peak data
Lovink, G. (2022). Propositions on peak data. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2022/04/07/proposition-on-peak-data/
Extinction internet
Lovink, G., Gerritzen, M., Campagna, T. (Ed.), & Scherz, L. (Ed.) (2022). Extinction internet: our inconvenient truth moment. Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/extinction-internet/
Keep Ukraine connected
Lovink, G. (2022). Keep Ukraine connected: interview with the campaigners. In M. van der Togt, & . &23%#719 (Eds.), Dispatches from Ukraine: tactical media reflections and responses (pp. 29-31). (Theory on demand; No. 44). Institute of Network Cultures.
Lovink, G. (2022). Preface. In C. Arkenbout, & L. Scherz (Eds.), Critical meme reader II: memetic tacticality (pp. 8-9). (INC reader; No. #16). Institute of Network Cultures.
Stuck on the platform
Lovink, G. (2022). Stuck on the platform: reclaiming the internet. (Making Public). Valiz.
What does the internet do to our body?
Lovink, G. W. (2022). What does the internet do to our body? In Elmgreen, & Dragset (Eds.), Useless Bodies? (pp. 38-40). Fondazione Prada. https://www.copyrightbookshop.be/en/shop/elmgreen-dragset-useless-bodies/
"You may not be interested in Cyberwar, but Cyberwar is interested in you"
Lovink, G. (2022). "You may not be interested in Cyberwar, but Cyberwar is interested in you": Interview with Svitlana Matviyenko by Geert Lovink. In M. van der Togt, & . &23%#719 (Eds.), Dispatches from Ukraine: tactical media reflections and responses (pp. 80-87). Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/dispatches-from-ukraine-tactical-media-reflections-and-responses/
Post-Precarity Zine
Billuart, M., Eckenhaussen, S., Nešović, D., Lovink, G. (Ed.), Campagna, T., & Bogers, L. (2021, Dec 15). Post-Precarity Zine: Toolbox for Beginning Artists. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/ourcreativereset/2021/12/15/out-now-post-precarity-zine/
Episode V. toward a new ecology of crypto art: a hybrid manifesto
Akten, M., Bucknell, A., Lovink, G., De Filippi, P., Bailey , J., Diamond, C., REAS, C., Lakoubay, F., Jochim, B., & Estorick, A. (Ed.) (2021). Episode V. toward a new ecology of crypto art: a hybrid manifesto: a response to the environmental cost of crypto art by artists, activists and theorists. Web publication or website, Flash Art. https://flash---art.com/2021/02/episode-v-towards-a-new-ecology-of-crypto-art/
Interview met Mieke Gerritzen over Help jezelf!
Lovink, G. (2021). Interview met Mieke Gerritzen over Help jezelf! de opkomst van self-design. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2021/01/06/interview-met-mieke-gerritzen-over-haar-boek-help-jezelf/
Proiectând modele de venituri în artă.
Lovink, G. (2021). Proiectând modele de venituri în artă. introducere în proiectul MoneyLab Network. Revista-ARTA, 48-49, 10-15.
Rauschen vs. Kontrolle
Lovink, G., & Rossiter, N. (2021). Rauschen vs. Kontrolle: eine Parabel gegen die Modellierung der Zukunft. In T. Daum, & S. Nuss (Eds.), Die Unsichtbare Hand des Plans (pp. 231-245). Dietz Verlag Berlin GmbH. https://researchdirect.westernsydney.edu.au/islandora/object/uws%3A59586
The aesthetics and politics of the online self
Sarram, P. (Ed.), Della Ratta, D. (Ed.), Lovink, G., & Numerico, T. (Ed.) (2021). The aesthetics and politics of the online self: a savage journey into the heart of digital cultures. Palgrave Macmillan . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65497-9
Essay: Extinction Bauhaus
Lovink, G. (2020). Essay: Extinction Bauhaus: What can Europe learn from the ethics and aesthetics of this historical interdisciplinary school?. Web publication or website, Arts of the Working Class. http://artsoftheworkingclass.org/text/extinction-bauhaus
Noise vs. control
Lovink, G., & Rossiter, N. (2020). Noise vs. control: a parable against modelling the future. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2020/11/21/noise-vs-control/
Principles of stacktivism
Lovink, G. (2020). Principles of stacktivism. Triple C: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 18(2), 716-724. https://doi.org/file:///C:/Users/enieuwe/Downloads/1231-Article%20Text-5192-1-10-20201109.pdf, https://doi.org/10.31269/triplec.v18i2.1231
The anatomy of Zoom fatigue
Lovink, G. (2020). The anatomy of Zoom fatigue. Web publication or website, Eurozine. https://www.eurozine.com/the-anatomy-of-zoom-fatigue/
We are not sick
Lovink, G., & Longwalker, J. (2020). We are not sick. Composition, We are not sick. https://wearenotsick.com/sad-by-design-the-album
Geert Lovink in Conversation with Sven Lütticken and Esmee Schoutens
Lovink, G. W., Lutticken, S., & Schoutens, E. (2020). Geert Lovink in Conversation with Sven Lütticken and Esmee Schoutens. In S. Lutticken, & M. Hlavajova (Eds.), The invisible culture wars: Deserting from the culture wars Bak - Basis Aktuele Kunst.
Delete your profile, not people
Lovink, G. (2020). Delete your profile, not people: comment on cancel culture. Web publication or website, Eurozine. https://www.eurozine.com/delete-your-profile-not-people/
Inside the YouTube decade
Lovink, G., & Treske, A. (Eds.) (2020). Inside the YouTube decade: Inside the YouTube Decade. (Video Vortex reader; Vol. III), (INC reader; Vol. 14). Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/video-vortex-reader-iii-inside-the-youtube-decade/
Listening into others
Chandola, T., Lovink, G. (Ed.), & Eckenhaussen, S. (Ed.) (2020). Listening into others: an ethnographic exploration in Govindpuri. (Theory on Demand; No. 36). Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/tod36-listening-into-others-an-ethnographic-exploration-in-govindpuri/
Telling the Bigger Video Story
Lovink, G. (2020). Telling the Bigger Video Story: interview with Natalie Bookchin by Geert Lovink. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/videovortex/2020/04/28/interview-with-natalie-bookchin/
Ben Grosser-Geert Lovink Dialogue on Media Art in the Age of Platform Capitalism
Lovink, G. W., & Grosser, B. (2020). Ben Grosser-Geert Lovink Dialogue on Media Art in the Age of Platform Capitalism. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2020/04/23/ben-grosser-geert-lovink/
Remarks on corona video witness accounts
Lovink, G. (2020). Remarks on corona video witness accounts. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2020/04/22/remarks-on-corona-video-witness-accounts/
Interview with Judit Kis on the (Media) art of vulnerability and care by Geert Lovink
Lovink, G. (2020). Interview with Judit Kis on the (Media) art of vulnerability and care by Geert Lovink. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/videovortex/2020/04/13/judit-kis/
Space is the Place
Lovink, G., & Lillemon, G. (2020). Space is the Place: Interview with Geoffrey Lillemon about dystopian VR aesthetics. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2020/04/12/geoffrey-lillemon/
Jenseits programmierter Traurigkeit, Erklärung zu Hanau
Lovink, G. (2020). Jenseits programmierter Traurigkeit, Erklärung zu Hanau. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2020/03/06/hanau/
Geert Lovink: Requiem for the Network
Lovink, G. (2020). Geert Lovink: Requiem for the Network. In K. Gansing, & I. Luchs (Eds.), The Eternal Network: The Ends and Becomings of Network Culture (pp. 102-115). Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2020/01/28/geert-lovink-requiem-for-the-network/
What was the network?
Apprich, C., Dragona, D., Lovink, G., & Wüst, F. (2020). What was the network? In K. Gansing, & I. Luchs (Eds.), The eternal network: the ends of becomings of network culture (pp. 14-22). Institute of Network Cultures.
Notes on the networked psyche
Lovink, G. (2020). Notes on the networked psyche: Exploring online hyper-sensibilities. Eurozine. https://www.eurozine.com/notes-on-the-networked-psyche/
Mutsuzluğu Tasarımından
Lovink, G. W. (2020). Mutsuzluğu Tasarımından. Web publication or website, Red-thread. https://red-thread.org/mutsuzlugu-tasariminda/
On Ben Grosser's order of magnitude
Lovink, G., & Grosser, B. (2020). On Ben Grosser's order of magnitude. Web publication or website, Plokta. https://www.plokta.nl/readme/order-magnitude
Requiem für das Netzwerk.
Lovink, G. (2020). Requiem für das Netzwerk. medientheoretische Reflexionen. In M. Prinzing, B. S. Debatin, & N. Köberer (Eds.), Kommunikations- und Medienethik reloaded? (2020 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 23-44). (Kommunikations- und Medienethik). Nomos Verlag. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748905158-23
MoneyLab #7: Outside of Finance
de Vries, P., Gloerich, I., Lovink, G., Eckenhaussen, S., Imamovic, M., Koelemij, F., de Koning, A., Ferrari Braun, A., Beckenbauer, L., & Sokoloff, N. (2019). MoneyLab #7: Outside of Finance: On feminist economics, social payments, corporate crime and the “blokechain”. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/moneylab/events/moneylab-7-outside-of-finance/
Post-Platform Desires: Build 1, 2, 3 New Beginnings
Lovink, G. (2019). Post-Platform Desires: Build 1, 2, 3 New Beginnings. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2019/09/01/post-platform-desires-build-1-2-3-new-beginnings/
Cybernetics for the Twenty-First Century: An Interview with Philosopher Yuk Hui
Lovink, G. (2019). Cybernetics for the Twenty-First Century: An Interview with Philosopher Yuk Hui. e-flux journal, (102). https://www.e-flux.com/journal/102/282271/cybernetics-for-the-twenty-first-century-an-interview-with-philosopher-yuk-hui/
Digitaler Nihilismus
Lovink, G. (2019). Digitaler Nihilismus: Thesen zur dunklen Seite der Plattformen. Transcript Verlag.
"The Soros Center was a Perfect Machine": An Exchange between Aaron Moulton and Geert Lovink
Moulton, A., & Lovink, G. (2019). "The Soros Center was a Perfect Machine": An Exchange between Aaron Moulton and Geert Lovink. Web publication or website, Artmargins. https://artmargins.com/the-soros-center-was-a-perfect-machine-a-dialogue-between-aaron-moulton-and-geert-lovink/
Conversation on futurability
Lovink, G., & Berardi, F. (2019). Conversation on futurability. MaHKUscript. Journal of Fine Art Research, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.5334/mjfar.48
: Links na de Europese verkiezingen
Grootveld, M., & Lovink, G. (2019). : Links na de Europese verkiezingen. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2019/06/18/menno-grootveld-geert-lovink-links-na-de-europese-verkiezingen/
Sad by Design
Lovink, G. (2019). Sad by Design: on platform nihilism. (Digital Barricades). Pluto Press.
Bilwet fascismemap (1983-1994)
Bilwet, Lovink, G., Mulder, A., van Stam, B.-J., Wouterloot, L., & Eckenhaussen, S. (Ed.) (2019). Bilwet fascismemap (1983-1994). (Theory on Demand; No. 30). Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/bilwet-fascismemap-1983-1994/
Sad by Design (the essay)
Lovink, G. (2019). Sad by Design (the essay). Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2019/01/20/sad-by-design-the-essay/
Let's Talk About 2011 -the year of protests and uprisings
Lovink, G. (2019). Let's Talk About 2011 -the year of protests and uprisings. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2019/01/10/let-talk-about-2011/
Afterword: Propositions on the Organizational Form
Lovink, G., & Rossiter, N. (2019). Afterword: Propositions on the Organizational Form. In T. Beyes, L. Conrad, & R. Martin (Eds.), Organize (pp. 89-101). (In search of media). University of Minnesota Press. https://doi.org/10.14619/1518
À propos de l’idéologie des réseaux sociaux
Lovink, G. (2019). À propos de l’idéologie des réseaux sociaux. Web publication or website, Net critique : blog by Geert Lovink. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2019/01/14/a-propos-de-lideologie-des-reseaux-sociaux-par-geert-lovink/
El abismo de las redes sociales
Lovink, G. (2019). El abismo de las redes sociales: culturas críticas de internet y la fuerza de la negación. Polity Press.
Interview with Max Haiven
Lovink, G. (2019). Interview with Max Haiven: art after money, money after art. Web publication or website, Net critique : blog by Geert Lovink. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2019/05/11/interview-with-max-haiven-art-after-money-money-after-art/
Made In China, Designed in California, Criticised in Europe
Gerritzen, M., & Lovink, G. (2019). Made In China, Designed in California, Criticised in Europe: Amsterdam Design Manifesto. Image Society. https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/amsterdam-design-manifesto/
Nichilismo digitale
Lovink, G. (2019). Nichilismo digitale: L’atra faccia delle piattaforme. Bocconi Editore.
Tristes por diseño
Lovink, G. (2019). Tristes por diseño: las redes sociales como ideologia. Consonni.
Критическая теория интернета
Lovink, G. (2019). Критическая теория интернета. Admarginem/Garage.
Bridging the gap between technology and progressive politics in Europe
Lovink, G., & Della Ratta, D. (2018). Bridging the gap between technology and progressive politics in Europe. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/geert/2018/12/04/bridging-the-gap-between-technology-and-progressive-politics-in-europe/
Precarious by design-My Preface for Silvio Lorusso's Entreprecariat
Lovink, G. (2018). Precarious by design-My Preface for Silvio Lorusso's Entreprecariat. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/geert/2018/12/01/precarious-by-design-my-preface-for-silvio-lorussos-entreprecatiat/
Programmierte Traurigkeit
Lovink, G. (2018). Programmierte Traurigkeit: vom Leben in den Ruinen der Luftschlösser der digitalen Kommunikation. Lettre, 123(winter 2018), 17.
On paratactics, bots and cost-colonial finance
Lovink, G., & Yetiskin, E. (2018). On paratactics, bots and cost-colonial finance: a muhabbet between Ebru Yetiskin and Geert Lovink. Web publication or website, Istanbul Science Technology Society. https://stsistanbul.org/2018/08/30/on-paratactics-bots-and-post-colonial-finance-a-muhabbet-between-ebru-yetiskin-and-geert-lovink/#more-777
Memes and the reactionary totemism of the theft of joy
Lovink, G., & Tuters, M. (2018). Memes and the reactionary totemism of the theft of joy. Web publication or website, Non.copyriot.com. https://non.copyriot.com/memes-and-the-reactionary-totemism-of-the-theft-of-joy/
Lovink, G., & Tuters, M. (2018). RUDE AWAKENING: MEMES AS DIALECTICAL IMAGES. Web publication or website, Non.copyriot.com. https://non.copyriot.com/rude-awakening-memes-as-dialectical-images/?cn-reloaded=1
Das Leben danach
Lovink, G. (2018). Das Leben danach: #deletefacebook für soziale Netzwerke schlägt die Stunde Null. Her mit den Alternativen!. Web publication or website, der Freitag.
Distraction and its discontents
Lovink, G. (2018). Distraction and its discontents: ebbs and flows in social media sensibility. Web publication or website, Eurozine. https://www.eurozine.com/distraction-and-its-discontents/
Distraction and its discontents
Lovink, G. (2018). Distraction and its discontents: ebbs and flows in social media sensibility. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/geert/2018/03/27/distraction/
The internet is not a cultural «melting pot»
Lovink, G. (2018). The internet is not a cultural «melting pot». Web publication or website, Internetbeyond.net. http://internetbeyond.net/blog/lovink#!/tab/55479821-2
They say we can’t meme, politics of idea compression
Lovink, G., & Tuters, M. (2018). They say we can’t meme, politics of idea compression. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://non.copyriot.com/they-say-we-cant-meme-politics-of-idea-compression/
Overcoming the blockchain and cybercurrency hype
Gloerich, I., Lovink, G., & de Vries, P. (2018). Overcoming the blockchain and cybercurrency hype: introduction to MoneyLab Reader 2. In I. Gloerich, G. Lovink, & P. de Vries (Eds.), MoneyLab Reader 2: overcoming the hype (pp. 7-13). (INC Readers). Institute of Network Cultures.
The story of my first laptop
Lovink, G. (2018). The story of my first laptop: the Toshiba DynaBook. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/geert/2018/01/15/the-story-of-my-first-laptop-the-toshiba-dynabook/?pdf=1500
Sosyal Medyanın Dipsiz Kuyusu
Lovink, G. (2018). Sosyal Medyanın Dipsiz Kuyusu. Otonom Yayincilik.
Flying Money 2018
Gloerich, I., Hart, J., Lovink, G., Nevejan, C., & Verkerk, I. (Eds.) (2018). Flying Money 2018: Investigating Illicit Financial Flows in the City. Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/flying-money-2018-investigating-illicit-financial-flows-in-the-city/
Let's talk about social media
Lovink, G. (2018). Let's talk about social media. Web publication or website, Amsterdam Alternative. https://amsterdamalternative.nl/articles/5225
MoneyLab reader 2
Gloerich, I., Lovink, G., & de Vries, P. (Eds.) (2018). MoneyLab reader 2: overcoming the hype. (INC Readers; Vol. 11). Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/moneylab-reader-2-overcoming-the-hype/
Organization after social media
Lovink, G., & Rossiter, N. (2018). Organization after social media. Minor Compositions.
Interview with Oliver Vodeb (Memefest) on the addictive power of memes today
Lovink, G. W. (2017). Interview with Oliver Vodeb (Memefest) on the addictive power of memes today. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/geert/2017/06/22/interview-with-oliver-vodeb-memefest-on-the-addictive-power-of-memes-today/
Overcoming internet disillusionment
Lovink, G. W. (2017). Overcoming internet disillusionment: on the principles of meme design. e-flux journal, 83, Article www.e-flux.com/journal/83/141287/overcoming-internet-disillusionment-on-the-principles-of-meme-design/.
Tech anthropology today
Lovink, G. W. (2017). Tech anthropology today: interview with Ramesh Srinivasan. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/geert/2017/05/11/tech-anthropology-today-interview-with-ramesh-srinivasan/
Listing technology
Rasch, M., & Lovink, G. (2017). Listing technology. Digital or Visual Products, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/zero-infinite-3-listing-technology/
Radicaal kantelen
Lovink, G. W. (2017). Radicaal kantelen: recensie van Arjen Mulder's De Successtaker. Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap, 57, 42-43. https://www.filosofie.nl/nl/artikel/48565/uitgelezen-radicaal-kantelen.html
Against a calculated life
de Vries, P. B., & Lovink, G. W. (2017). Against a calculated life: how to overcome the privacy worldview. In H. Hou, & L. Lonardelli (Eds.), Please come back: Il mondo come prigione? (pp. 250-256). Mousse Publising.
Organized networks
Lovink, G. W. (2017). Organized networks: a model for autonomous organizations. Paper presented at The Autonomous Fabric, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Defining the synthetic self
Lovink, G. W. (2017). Defining the synthetic self. NXS, 1(2), 53-56.
Der Preis der Internetfreiheit
Lovink, G. W. (2017). Der Preis der Internetfreiheit. Engagée, (5), 32-33. http://www.engagee.org/-5-maschine-werden.html
For a philosophy of technology in China
Lovink, G. W. (2017). For a philosophy of technology in China: Geert Lovink interviews Yuk Hui. Parrhesia, 27, 46-63.
Lovink, G. W. (2017). Foreword. In C. Apprich, & A. Derieg (Eds.), Technotopia: a media genealogy of net cultures (pp. xiii-xix). Rowman & Littlefield International.
Medien - Netze - Plattformen
Lovink, G. (2017). Medien - Netze - Plattformen. Medien Journal, 41(1), 26-32.