View all projects from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Looking for a particular project? Click the magnifying glass at the top of the page to search.
Project Orbital: Quantum Computing for X-ray Analysis
-Door gebruik te maken van kwantumalgoritmen kunnen onderzoekers röntgenspectra met hogere resolutie simuleren en analyseren.
Awe-full Change: How creative practices evoke transformation through Awe
-Inclusieve samenleving met kunst en design
Quantum Sensing for Underground Infrastructure
-Project om ondergrondse infrastructuur in beeld te brengen
1001 Hot Nights
-Due to climate change we are experiencing more frequent and prolonged heat. The 1001 Hot Nights project is investigating how to best respond to night-time heat
Verhaal Speciaal: Breaking the Cycle of Low Literacy with AI
-Het project Verhaal Speciaal richt zich op het doorbreken van deze cyclus door ouders en kinderen samen te ondersteunen in het ontwikkelen van taalvaardigheid.
Making Government Texts More Readable with AI
-leesbaarheid vergroten met AI van stukken van ambtenaren
LIEV: smart charging on a grand scale
-With the LIEV project, AUAS is helping municipalities and grid operators to investigate which smart charging technologies can help solve this problem at scale.
Methods for the Community-Oriented Library
-Project over de veranderende rol van bibliotheken
-DigiFABS promotes digital, resilience, and innovation skills to optimize digital transformation in F&B SMEs.
Cool Cities: a blueprint for urban heat resiliency
-Due to climate change, we are experiencing higher temperatures more often. The Cool Cities project is working to make European cities more heat-resilient.
Knowledge-driven decision-making - from crime scene to courtroom
-In the Knowledge-driven decision-making project, an interactive tool is being developed to support complex decision-making within the forensic domain.
Forensic traces of individual variation
-Wherever people go, they leave biological traces of their presence. The amount varies from person to person. Jaimy Meeuwissen examines the causes and scope.
Envision Change
-Hoe ziet een klimaatneutraal Europa eruit? Daarover gaat dit project.
The Art of Mediated Dialogue
-Onderzoeksproject over de gemedieerde dialoog
Modelling Dynamic Lifecycle Impacts of Circular Procurement in Healthcare (MODLI)
-The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted healthcare supply chain vulnerabilities. Reusable gowns offer benefits, but scaling them requires circular procurement.
The Image project
-European urban peripheries have long been seen as boring, lacking facilities and infrastructure, in contrast to vibrant city centers.