Centre for Applied Research of the Faculty of Digital Media & Creative Industries

Lecturers & Students

The research group invites lecturers and students to collaborate on and further develop its research. There are various ways to get involved, including by collaborating in existing modules or minors, through a work placement or graduation project, or as part of a lecturer’s professionalisation programme.

The starting point is always a specific connection to the questions that the research group aims to answer, as described in the three research lines of the research group programme. More concrete questions can also be considered, such as:

  • How does a field lab work, and how does it help to improve research impact?
  • What is collaboration like in complex programmes that address social challenges, and how does this affect the impact?
  • Are the results of applied research actually used? By whom and to what extent? And what does this use depend on?
  • What criteria can be used to evaluate applied research, and how much does this depend on the context?
  • How do professionals such as journalists view applied research and why?
  • In which (creative) ways can research results be shared even more widely and effectively with different target audiences?

This is just a small selection of possible questions. The research group warmly welcomes other original perspectives. The research group is open to collaborating with lecturers and students from all faculties. Feel free to contact us!

24 February 2021