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AUAS Library

E learnings

The Library develops teaching material in the field of information skills and offers this in the form of e-learning

The Library offers the following e-learning courses:


An Interactive Course to Finding Information

The online course Searchlight teaches you smart and effective ways to find information for your research. The course is offered on beginners and advanced level. You can also find a separate APA module that covers everything from references, citations, paraphrasing, and bibliographies according to the APA method.

AUAS students and lecturers

The Searchlight online course has been included in Brightspace. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) students can take the course there.

Reference material is available for the Searchlight courses. This information can be found in a separate online environment. Visit Zoeklicht Naslag (in Dutch only)(opens in new window)

Not affiliated with AUAS?

If you are you not affiliated with AUAS, but still interested in the Searchlight course, we would like to refer you to Wikiwijs. The AUAS Library uses this platform to offer information and course material to a wider audience wherever possible.

To Wikiwijs (in Dutch)
(opens in new window)

Acknowledging sources

What is actually the point of citing sources? How do you incorporate cited sources into a text? When should you italicize, use quotation marks and use full stops according to APA? Why cite sources? No, it's really not just to tease. With a source reference you give an author the correct credits for his work. Moreover, it is important to cite your sources when you write your thesis, for example. When you make a claim, you must substantiate it. You do this, for example, by referring to a scientific study.

This course consists of several sections

Citing sources in general
Paraphrasing and quoting
Quiz on citing sources
Citation styles

At the end of this course you will know why it is important to cite sources, learn about the different styles of citing sources and how to apply them in your paper.

Conducting research

In this course you will learn the entire process of conducting research step by step. The course is structured in different modules from why you actually conduct research to reporting your research results. The course consists of videos, quiz questions and interactive assignments. This course is for beginning HBO students. You can complete the course independently, but it is also suitable for teachers to use during lessons.

Why research?

When you study at HBO, it is important that you obtain the correct information for your assignment. You can use that information, for example, to solve a problem or to give advice. It is therefore important that you know how to conduct research correctly.


This course consists of several modules. You can also complete the modules separately.

Why research?

At the end of this course

At the end of this course, you will have completed all aspects of research. You will then know, among other things, why you are doing research, how to draw the right conclusions and how to report your findings. This course is an initiative of the information specialists of the Library, in collaboration with the language team of Student Affairs.

To Wikiwijs (in Dutch)
(opens in new window)

Data Detox

You are worth gold! A lot of money is made with the data you leave on the internet. All data stored on our mobile devices, services and accounts is collected, analyzed, shared and sold or even possibly stolen through, for example, a data breach. Nothing to hide? Maybe not, but you have a lot to protect.


Why Data Detox? With the Data Detox you learn what traces you leave behind on the internet. Through a number of exercises you will investigate which traces these exactly are and what the websites you visit can do with them. Profiles are created about you using the traces you leave behind online. This way, companies get to know your habits, who your friends are and what things you like.



This course consists of several components.

  • Google Facebook & Instagram
  • Tracking
  • Profiling
  • Time to clean up! Your new way of working

At the end of this course You will have learned how online data collection works, how to clean up the online traces you leave behind and how to ensure that your data is no longer collected in the future.

To Wikiwijs (in Dutch)
(opens in new window)


Do you still have questions or are you unable to resolve something? Please feel free to contact the Library staff. Go to: Ask the Library.