AUAS Library
Search the collection
Are you looking for something in the AUAS databases, but don't know where to start? We have listed the most relevant search options for you.
The Library has a large collection of books, e-books, (digital) magazines and databases, specially selected for the AUAS. Start your search with a visit to the Library's catalogue(opens in new window).
Get the most out of CataloguePlus and read the manual first(opens in new window)
Online searching in CataloguePlus
Watch the video about the search process(opens in new window)
Databases overview
Search the databases the Library is subscribed to.
Search the databases(opens in new window)
Magazines in Journal Search
Look for specific sources in magazines. Search in CataloguePlus(opens in new window)
Access to Collection Outside AUAS
What do you do as an AUAS employee or student when at home or outside of the AUAS network? Read more about access to the collection
Videos Smart Searching
This video series is about 'smart searching'. Students explain to students in 8 steps how to set up a smart search strategy. Become a smart searcher, too!
Explanation of HvA-linker
HvA-linker is the link to full text articles that you can access via the AUAS Library. You can find AUAS linker in Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science.
Google Scholar
When searching with Google Scholar, as an AUAS student or employee you not only benefit from the full text deals that Google has with publishers, but also from the electronic journal subscriptions that the Library has concluded for the AUAS. If a search result contains the indication HvA-linker: Full text, you have direct access to the full digital version via the HvA.
How does it work?
If you work within the AUAS domain, you don't have to do anything extra. Google Scholar recognizes that you belong to AUAS and immediately adds the button AUAS-linker to the search results.
Outside the AUAS, you can set the AUAS as your library yourself:
- click on the 3 lines at the top left, and on Settings,
- choose left Library links,
- enter Amsterdam and click on the magnifying glass,
- tick "Hogeschool van Amsterdam" and click Save.
Scopus and Web of Science
In Scopus and Web of Science you will see the AUAS icons on the left in the search results when you work within the AUAS domain.