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Opening hours

Service point

This location does not have a service point. Service points provide you information about education, administration and facilities, such as timetables, registration, activating a student card, wifi or lost and found. Lost something for more than a day? Check iLost.  Service points are available at Dr Meurer building (A1.58), Corry Tendeloo building (ground floor), and Nicolaes Tulp building (B1.25, central hall first floor).  On the Amstel Campus at the Kohnstamm building (OOA29) and Wibauthuis (ground floor).

Building accessibility

There is a ramp for wheelchairs on one side of the building, to the left of the steps to the main entrance. Wheelchair users can use the intercom to ask for assistance. 

More about AUAS buildings accessibility

Bicycle parking

Unguarded bicycle parking on southside of the building.


Parking garages operated by Q-Park are located underneath the nearby Kohnstamm and Wibaut buildings. A number of spaces are reserved for wheelchair users.

More about parking at AUAS