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Opening hours

Openingstijden Servicepunt

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Opening hours servicepoint

RegularHand out diploma's *
Mon Tue Thu Fri08:00 - 17:0009:00 - 16:00
Wed08:30 - 17:0009:00 - 16:00
* Would you rather pick up your diploma at another time? Please mail to service-amstelcampus@hva.nl and make an appointment.

Restaurants and espressobar

Mon to Fri 08:00 - 16:00
Restaurant incl. Pita Chef, Ardjoe's Bara & The Italian Corner: Mon 10:00 - 19:00, Tue and Thu 09:30 - 19:00, Wed 09:30 - 18:00, Fri 09:30 - 17:00.

Building accessibility

The main entrance of the Wibaut building is at Wibautstraat. The revolving door features wheelchair access.

More about AUAS buildings accessibility

Bicycle parking

Indoor, non-guarded bicycle parking.
Entrance north side (next to Benno Premsela building), door opens automatically.
Entrance on south side (next to Muller Lulofs building) accessible with student or staff card.

Parking spaces for wheelchair users

A parking garage operated by Q-Park is located underneath the Wibaut building. A number of spaces are reserved for wheelchair users. The building can be accessed by lift directly from the parking garage. 

More about parking at AUAS