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Students with a disability

If you need support for mental health, physical, sight or hearing impairment, dyslexia or autism - on this page you'll find the ways we are here for you.

Support that suits you

If you have a disability, we will invite you for a Soft Landing interview before the start of your studies. During the interview, a student counsellor will talk through the arrangements, facilities and guidance you may need. The interview is confidential and will not affect your admission or any selection. If you'd like information before the interview, please contact our student counsellor.

Email the student counsellor
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The AUAS has all kinds of facilities for you to remove possible barriers, for example:

  • keyboards with large letters and reading software (Claroread)
  • stimulation-free rest areas to retreat to
  • extra time for your exams
  • students with the same disability who help you on your way (peer coaches)
  • dictation software (AVA)
  • counselling (in groups or individually) by student counsellors, doctors or psychologists
  • training for studying with ADHD

Contact with others

You can also join Limitless, a platform for (and run by) students with a disability. At Limitless you can connect with others, attend workshops and social events, receive support and work together to make the AUAS more accessible. Most services at the moment are offered in Dutch. but if you don't speak Dutch please do send us an email.

Watch the introduction video of Limitless!

Email Limitless
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Check out Limitless on Instagram
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Housing for students with a disability

If you have a disability and are looking for suitable accommodation or modifications to your accommodation, here is a list of organisations that can help.

More information