Student surveys

At AUAS, students and staff together build a stimulating learning environment. By requesting feedback from you, we gain a picture of how successful we are in this and where improvements can be made. We gather feedback through various surveys.

On this page we explain which surveys we conduct and how you can contribute to the quality of our teaching by completing these. You can also view the infographic. If you have any questions, please send an email to Institutional Research (IR) .

100Day Monitor

After the first 100 days, all full-time and part-time first-year students at AUAS Bachelor’s and Associate Degree programmes are invited to complete the 100Day Monitor. This survey asks you about your experiences. Are the classes as you expected? What are your interactions with other students and lecturers like? Are you enjoying studying at higher professional education (HBO) level?

What do we do with the results?

The more comfortable you feel at your degree programme, the greater your chances of successfully completing your degree. We use the results of the 100day Monitor to improve and ease the onboarding process and start of their studies for new students

Personal advice

After completing the 100Day Monitor, you will get personal advice on the following: expectations about your studies, study skills and study workload. For each of these topics, you will get tips on how to make things easier for yourself.

This infographic shows the results of the 100Day Monitor of 2023/2024 (Dutch):

Compare the current research results with those of last year (2022-23)

National Student Survey (NSE)

Each year, in January, students receive an email from Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze inviting them to complete the National Student Survey (NSE). The National Student Survey gives all Dutch universities and universities of applied sciences insight into students’ level of satisfaction. What do you think about your degree programme, the lecturers and the examination and assessment method, and how challenging is your degree?

What do we do with the results?

The results of the National Student Survey enable us to improve the quality of our teaching and to make adjustments where necessary. Prospective students can use the survey results when choosing their degree programme. The results are included in rankings, such as the Options Guide for Higher Education (Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs).

Additional questions

Most of the questions in the National Student Survey are identical for all students. In addition, each university or university of applied sciences can add its own questions about certain topics in its version of the survey. AUAS has included additional questions about equal treatment, degree programme flexibility and applied research, for example.

Factsheet NSE 2024

AUAS student panel

Want to pitch in your ideas and discuss plans with AUAS? We are always looking for students to join our student panel . As a member of the panel, you complete an online survey around six to eight times a year to give your opinion on topics that are relevant to AUAS, such as flexible education or student well-being. You decide when you complete the online survey. To thank you for your participation, you will automatically earn credits towards Bol and VVV gift vouchers.

What do we do with the results?

The results of this online survey enable us to improve our teaching.

Sign up (Dutch)

Teaching evaluations

Your degree programme regularly asks you to give your opinion on a block, course, module or programme you have completed. These teaching evaluations (also referred to as block or module evaluations) are conducted online or in class. In addition, groups of students are interviewed. In these interviews, you can share your experiences with a specific component of your degree programme and what you believe are the strong points of this component or points that can be improved. In what way and how often teaching evaluations are conducted differs per degree programme.

What do we do with the results?

The evaluations enable degree programmes to make adjustments to their teaching at course level.

HBO-Monitor (biennial)

The HBO-Monitor is an biennial survey among recent graduates of Dutch universities of applied sciences. The survey gives us insight into your transition to the labour market and how you look back on your degree programme. You will receive an invitation to complete the survey around 12 to 18 months after your graduation. The survey is commissioned by AUAS and conducted by Maastricht University’s Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) and DESAN Research Solutions.

Starting from the academic year 2025-2026, the HvA will participate in the research every other year. Students who graduated in the previous academic year (2024-2025) will be invited to take part in the research. In the academic year 2024-2025, the HvA will not participate in the research.

What do we do with the results?

The results of the HBO-Monitor enable us to improve the quality of our teaching. By completing this survey, you will help to improve the degree programme for all subsequent students.

AUAS-wide results of the most recent HBO-Monitor (only available in Dutch)

Exit Monitor

If you discontinue your studies at AUAS without graduating, we will be asked to complete the Exit Monitor, which asks you about the reasons for this. Are you going to enrol at a university after successfully completing your first year at AUAS, was the degree programme you had chosen not right for you, or are you discontinuing your studies due to personal reasons?

The Exit Monitor gives us insight into what steps we can take to help prevent that students leave without graduating. This may include revising components of degree programmes or adjusting the supervision of students to prevent that they drop out.

As soon as you have terminated your enrolment in Studielink, you can immediately complete the Exit Monitor, which is a short survey.

Published by  Communication 4 September 2024