Fraud and plagiarism
Fraud and plagiarism during your studies is a serious matter. Are you sufficiently aware of the rules? On this page you will find everything you need to know about these rules, and who you can go to when you are suspected of fraud or plagiarism.
Speaking during an examination, cutting and pasting and copying texts without citing the source: these are examples of fraud and plagiarism for the HvA. Not only do you get punishment, but the person who is complicit also runs the risk of punishment. Of serious fraud is, among other things, if you did not write a thesis yourself or if someone else makes your exam.
Suspicion of fraud can also occur before or after an examination, exam or test. In that case - depending on the circumstances - this can lead to a penalty. If you are suspected of fraud, you will have the opportunity to respond to it.
If you cheat, the Examination Board can deprive you of the right to participate in (partial) examinations. This applies for a maximum period of one year. In the event of serious fraud, the dean can even terminate your registration.
In chapter 4 of the Education and Examination Regulations (OER) you can read about what fraud and plagiarism entails and what rules you must follow when making a paper or when taking an exam.