I. Gloerich (Inte)
Inte Gloerich is docent-onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Netwerkcultuur (Institute of Network Cultures) van Kenniscentrum Create-IT en doet onderzoek naar de sociaal-culturele gevolgen van digitale technologie, met name fintech.
Van blockchains tot mobiele betaalapps van bedrijven als Apple of Google en spaarsystemen van verzekeringsmaatschappijen, financiële technologie heeft een grote invloed ver buiten de financiële sector zelf. Wat zijn de maatschappelijke en culturele gevolgen van dit soort technologiën, en welke alternatieven worden ontwikkeld door designers, ontwikkelaars en kunstenaars? De kritische reflectie en bottom-up ontwikkeling rondom fintech staat centraal in de projecten waar Inte aan werkt.
In de platform samenleving hebben grote bedrijven het vaak voor het zeggen als het gaat om het ontwikkelen van nieuwe technologie. Dit brengt vaak veel gebruikersgemak met zich mee, maar centraliseert tegelijkertijd macht. Alternatieven verdwijnen naar de achtergrond, terwijl daar juist veel interessants gebeurt! Hoe brengen kritische en kunstzinnige reflectie en experimentele systemen ons dichter bij een divers en democratisch media- en technologielandschap?
Huidige projecten
Inte werkt op dit moment aan verschillende onderzoeksprojecten zoals MoneyLab, waarin de maatschappelijke gevolgen van financiële technologie (fintech) aan bod komen en alternatieven onderzocht worden. Centraal staat hierbij de samenwerking met, en kruisbestuiving tussen, kunstenaars, ontwerpers, en theoretici. Daarnaast werkt Inte ook aan het onderzoeksproject Circulate, in samenwerking met onder anderen lectoraat Play & Civic Media. In dit project werkt aan design strategies voor het gebruik van blockchain in energie-delende communities.
Huidige onderwijsactiviteiten
De huidige onderwijsactiviteiten van Inte bestaan onder andere uit lesgeven in de BA Media & Information op de Universiteit van Amsterdam, en het begeleiden van verschillende studentenprojecten met betrekking tot blockchain technologie op de FDMCI.
Inte is in 2014 afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam in MA New Media & Digital Culture. Daarvoor: BA Media & Culture (UvA), en P Grafisch Ontwerp (ArtEZ).
Werkte eerder aan…
2014 was Inte onderzoeksmedewerker bij het PublishingLab (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) waar zij werkte aan onderzoek over manieren waarop praktijkgericht onderzoek doelgericht gepubliceerd kan worden.
Art in Permacrisis #6
Eckenhaussen, S. R., & Gloerich, I. (2024). Art in Permacrisis #6: Inte Gloerich and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations. Digital or Visual Products, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/ourcreativereset/2024/12/20/art-in-permacrisis-6-inte-gloerich-and-decentralised-autonomous-organisations/
First-Person Speculative Fabulation
Gloerich, I., & Ferri, G. (2023). First-Person Speculative Fabulation: A Workshop Method for Times of Crisis. Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture, 8(4). https://www.mediapolisjournal.com/2023/11/speculative-fabulation/
Towards DAOs of difference
Gloerich, I. (2023). Towards DAOs of difference: reading blockchain through the decolonial thought of Sylvia Wynter. A Peer Reviewed Journal About: Minor Tech, 12(1), 162-176. https://doi.org/10.7146/aprja.v12i1.140448
Towards Becoming an Ecology of Care
Scholts, N. C. M., Gloerich, I., Muntinga, M., Curandi, V., van der Vlugt, M., & Molenda, A. (2023). Towards Becoming an Ecology of Care. Performance Research, 27(6-7), Article https://doi.org/10.1080/13528165.2022.2198879. https://doi.org/10.1080/13528165.2022.2198879
Plotting on the blockchain. On the possibility of care among widespread logics of extraction
Gloerich, I. (2023). Plotting on the blockchain. On the possibility of care among widespread logics of extraction. Web publication or website https://cc.vvvvvvaria.org/wiki/Toward_a_Minor_Tech:Gloerich
Blockchains otherwise
Gloerich, I. (2023). Blockchains otherwise. Towards a Minor Tech: A Peer-reviewed Newspaper, 12(1), 3.
Risk and Harm: Unpacking Ideologies in the AI Discourse
Ferri, G., & Gloerich, I. (2023). Risk and Harm: Unpacking Ideologies in the AI Discourse. In M. Lee, C. Munteanu, M. Porcheron, J. Trippas, & S. T. Völkel (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, CUI 2023 Article 28 Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3571884.3603751
Performing the speculative present
Gloerich, I. (2022). Performing the speculative present: blockchain memes on survival in radical Uncertainty. Abstract from Performing Global Crises, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Designing new financial transactions
Elsden, C., Gloerich, I., & Nissen, B. (2022). Designing new financial transactions: theories, case studies, methods, practices and futures. Paper presented at DRS2022: Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.1070
In search of ineffable NFTs
Gloerich, I. (2022). In search of ineffable NFTs. In Phygital fashioning (Vol. 6). NXS.
Speculate – or Else! Blockchain Memes on Survival in Radical Uncertainty
Gloerich, I. (2022). Speculate – or Else! Blockchain Memes on Survival in Radical Uncertainty. In C. Arkenbout, & L. Scherz (Eds.), Critical Meme Reader II: Memetic Tacticality (pp. 237-257). (INC Reader; No. #16). Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Critical-Meme-Reader-II_Memetic-Tacticality_INC-2022_INC-Reader-16.pdf
The City as a Licence
de Waal, M., Ferri, G., Gloerich, I., Vines, J., & Elsden, C. (2022). The City as a Licence. Abstract from Beyond Smart Cities Today, Malmö, Sweden. https://beyondsmartcities.se/program/
Towards Becoming an Ecology of Care
Care Ecologies Group, Curandi, V., Gloerich, I., Molenda, A., Muntinga, M., Sanchez Querubin, N., Scholts, N., & van der Vlugt, M. (2022). Towards Becoming an Ecology of Care. Performance Research, 27(6-7), 251-259. https://doi.org/10.1080/13528165.2022.2198879
Design Dilemmas and Canvas Digital Platforms for Resource Communities
de Waal, M., van Beek, D., Cila, N., Ferri, G., Gloerich, I., Karpinski, T., Mackey, A., Millenaar, K., & Meys, W. (2021, May 31). Design Dilemmas and Canvas Digital Platforms for Resource Communities. AUAS Civic Interaction Design. http://circulateproject.nl/2021/05/31/design-canvas-digital-platforms-for-research-communities/
A conversation between Anab Jain and Marta Peirano, as recorded and retold in a small colony of ants
Ferri, G., & Gloerich, I. (2021). A conversation between Anab Jain and Marta Peirano, as recorded and retold in a small colony of ants. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/blog/2021/05/21/a-conversation-between-anab-jain-and-marta-peirano-as-recorded-and-retold-in-a-small-colony-of-ants/
Circulate: Design thinking for the Circular Economy
de Waal, M., Ferri, G., Cila, N., Gloerich, I., Meys, W., van Beek, D., Mackey, A., Millenaar, K., Karpinski, T., & Stojadinovic, V. (Ed.) (2021). Circulate: Design thinking for the Circular Economy. Digital or Visual Products, AUAS Civic Interaction Design. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if_jdwoFdmI&list=PL7Y2ltbB8SPHyMgxV8PTU0lHiKZr9tFFU
Circulate: Ener-geyser
de Waal, M., Karpinski, T., Ferri, G., Cila, N., Gloerich, I., Meys, W., van Beek, D., Mackey, A., Millenaar, K., & Stojadinovic, V. (Ed.) (2021). Circulate: Ener-geyser: situated design in energy resources communities. Digital or Visual Products, AUAS Civic Interaction Design. https://youtu.be/r3puTdesaX4
Circulate: Six design dilemmas
de Waal, M., Ferri, G., Cila, N., Gloerich, I., Meys, W., van Beek, D., Mackey, A., Millenaar, K., Karpinski, T., & Stojadinovic, V. (Ed.) (2021). Circulate: Six design dilemmas. Digital or Visual Products, AUAS Civic Interaction Design. https://youtu.be/3o8hUsh5Kb4
Script: The Underdistanced
Gloerich, I., & Ferri, G. (2021). Script: The Underdistanced. In A. Groten, & J. Lizotte (Eds.), Network Imaginaries Hackers & Designers. https://chatty-pub.hackersanddesigners.nl/Network_Imaginaries#ch-228scripttheunderdistanced
The underdistanced
Gloerich, I., & Ferri, G. (2021). The underdistanced: Three things about our workshop. In A. Groten, & J. Lizotte (Eds.), Network Imaginaries Hackers & Designers. https://chatty-pub.hackersanddesigners.nl/Network_Imaginaries#ch-17theunderdistanced
The city as a licence
Gloerich, I., De Waal, M., Ferri, G., Cila, N., & Karpinski, T. (2020). The city as a licence: implications of blockchain and distributed ledgers for urban governance. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2, Article 534942. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsc.2020.534942
The City as a License.
Gloerich, I., De Waal, M., Ferri, G., Cila, N., & Karpinski, T. (2020). The City as a License. Implications of Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers for Urban Governance. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2, Article 534942. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsc.2020.534942
ML8: a follow-up with Martin Zeilinger and Max Haiven
Gloerich, I. (2020). ML8: a follow-up with Martin Zeilinger and Max Haiven. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/moneylab/2020/07/09/ml8-a-follow-up-with-martin-zeilinger-and-max-haiven/
Blockchain imaginairies
Gloerich, I. (2020). Blockchain imaginairies: a report from MoneyLab8 Stream 7. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/moneylab/2020/07/08/blockchain-imaginairies-a-report-from-moneylab8-stream-7/
Alternatives for the unbanked
Gloerich, I., & Ferri, G. (2020). Alternatives for the unbanked: lessons learned from payment kiosks. Abstract from DIS '20: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands. https://programs.sigchi.org/dis/2020/program/session/40360
Designing futures of money and fintech
Elsden, C., Feltwell, T., Barros Pena, B., Nissen, B., Gloerich, I., Speed, C., & Vines, J. (2020). Designing futures of money and fintech. In DIS' 20 Companion: companion publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 429-432). (DIS 2020 Companion - Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3393914.3395904
Pervasive Labour Union #15
Spreeuwenberg, K. (Ed.), Pereira, L. (Ed.), Rasch, M. (Ed.), Gloerich, I., Cramer, F., Imamovič, M., Roscam Abbing, R., Eckenhaussen, S., Lorusso, S., Dubbeldam, B., & Vos, M. (2020). Pervasive Labour Union #15: Urgent Publishing Debris. Web publication or website, Pervasive Labour Union. https://ilu.servus.at/category/15-special-issue-urgent-publishing-debris.html
The future is plural
Gloerich, I. (2020). The future is plural. In Radical care: embracing feminist finance (pp. 2). Amateur Cities.
The blockchain and the commons
Cila, N., Ferri, G., de Waal, M., Gloerich, I., & Karpinski, T. (2020). The blockchain and the commons: dilemmas in the design of local platforms. In CHI '20: proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376660
Feminist finance syllabus
Molenda, A., & Gloerich, I. (2020). Feminist finance syllabus. Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/201012-FFZINE-SYLLABUS.pdf
Take root among the stars
Ferri, G., & Gloerich, I. (2020). Take root among the stars: if Octavia Butler wrote design fiction. interactions, 27(1), 22-23. https://doi.org/10.1145/3374882
The Islamic State Unfiltered
Gloerich, I., Rowson, R., Cachia, R., Clandillon, S., & Kolopaking, C. (2020). The Islamic State Unfiltered. In M. Rasch (Ed.), Let's Get Physical: A Sample of INC Longforms 2015-2020 (#13 ed., pp. 151-165). (INC Reader; No. 13). Institute of Network Cultures.
MoneyLab #7: Outside of Finance
de Vries, P., Gloerich, I., Lovink, G., Eckenhaussen, S., Imamovic, M., Koelemij, F., de Koning, A., Ferrari Braun, A., Beckenbauer, L., & Sokoloff, N. (2019). MoneyLab #7: Outside of Finance: On feminist economics, social payments, corporate crime and the “blokechain”. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/moneylab/events/moneylab-7-outside-of-finance/
Rising above our silos
Colakides, Y., Garrett, M., & Gloerich, I. (2019). Rising above our silos. In Y. Colakides, M. Gerrett, & I. Gloerich (Eds.), State machines: reflections and actions at the edge of digital citizenship, finance, and art (pp. 7-12). Institute of Network Cultures.
Making the blockchain civic
Elsden, C., Gloerich, I., Spaa, A., Vines, J., & de Waal, M. (2019). Making the blockchain civic. interactions, 26(2), 60-65. http://interactions.acm.org/archive/view/march-april-2019/making-the-blockchain-civic
State Machines
Colakides, Y., Garrett, M., & Gloerich, I. (Eds.) (2019). State Machines: Reflections and Actions at the Edge of Digital Citizenship, Finance, and Art. Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/state-machines-reflections-and-actions-at-the-edge-of-digital-citizenship-finance-and-art/
Platform 2 Platform
Gloerich, I., Lorusso, S., & Schrader, N. (2018). Platform 2 Platform. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures.
Artists Re:Thinking the blockchain
Gloerich, I. (2018). Artists Re:Thinking the blockchain. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/moneylab/2018/01/26/artists-rethinking-the-blockchain/
Overcoming the blockchain and cybercurrency hype
Gloerich, I., Lovink, G., & de Vries, P. (2018). Overcoming the blockchain and cybercurrency hype: introduction to MoneyLab Reader 2. In I. Gloerich, G. Lovink, & P. de Vries (Eds.), MoneyLab Reader 2: overcoming the hype (pp. 7-13). (INC Readers). Institute of Network Cultures.
Flying Money 2018
Gloerich, I., Hart, J., Lovink, G., Nevejan, C., & Verkerk, I. (Eds.) (2018). Flying Money 2018: Investigating Illicit Financial Flows in the City. Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/flying-money-2018-investigating-illicit-financial-flows-in-the-city/
MoneyLab reader 2
Gloerich, I., Lovink, G., & de Vries, P. (Eds.) (2018). MoneyLab reader 2: overcoming the hype. (INC Readers; Vol. 11). Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/moneylab-reader-2-overcoming-the-hype/
The online self
Gloerich, I., van Dipten, L., & Rasch, M. D. (2017). The online self. Digital or Visual Products, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/zero-infinite-4-the-online-self/
Pausing precarity
Gloerich, I., Dovey, M. D. S., & Rasch, M. D. (2017). Pausing precarity. Digital or Visual Products, Institute of Network Cultures. http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/zero-infinite-podcast-1/
The Islamic State unfiltered
Gloerich, I., Rowson, R., Cachia, R., Clandillon, S., & Kolopaking, C. (2016). The Islamic State unfiltered. Web publication or website, Institute of Network Cultures.