Dr E.E. Hammelburg (Esther)
Esther Hammelburg is an expert on live experiences in hybrid events. In December she will defend her dissertation at the UvA entitled Being There Live: How Liveness is Realized Through Media Use at Contemporary Cultural Events. From her extensive fieldwork — speaking to 379 people and gathering large datasets from social media platforms — she shows how media use shapes the way we experience ‘being there live.’ Her book shows how physical and mediated environments are entwined in live event experiences. Esther is also a senior lecturer at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
De rol van digitalisering in dood & afscheid
Hammelburg, E. (2024). De rol van digitalisering in dood & afscheid. Digital or Visual Products, Rathenau Instituut. https://youtu.be/s1K1yf1n1Uo?si=FutfOERy8YyLwxBI
Elevating the Antagonist Encounter
Geboers, M., & Hammelburg, E. E. (2024). Elevating the Antagonist Encounter: How the ‘Stitch’ Transforms Victimhood Contestation on TikTok. Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies. , 33(2), 143-158. https://anglica-journal.com/resources/html/article/details?id=625806
Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in the Cultural Field
Eckenhaussen, S. (Ed.), Milutinović, S. (Ed.), Valente Pinto, C. (Ed.), Balaguer, C., Boschat-Thorez, S., Dunnewind, A., Groothuizen, R., van der Kooij, H., Britton, R. L., Lovink, G., Molenda, A., Mansoux, A., Moubarak, K., Murtaugh, M., Osipian, M., Stolk, L., Arkenbout, C., Hammelburg, E., & Viader Guerrero, J. (2024). Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in the Cultural Field. Institute of Network Cultures. https://etherport.org/publications/inc/screentime-airtime-facetime/
Wat vertelt generatieve AI ons over creativiteit?
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Wat vertelt generatieve AI ons over creativiteit?. Web publication or website, Recast. https://digitalsocietyschool.org/insight/recast-18/
Understanding Hybrid Space: How Media Change Experiences of Being There
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Understanding Hybrid Space: How Media Change Experiences of Being There. Paper presented at The Synthetic City, Dublin, Ireland. https://syntheticcity2023.com/programme/
Object-based media: de toekomst van broadcasting?
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Object-based media: de toekomst van broadcasting?. Web publication or website, Recast. https://digitalsocietyschool.org/insight/recast-15/
Truly being there live
Hammelburg, E. E. (2023). Truly being there live: How festival-goers construct authenticity through their embodied visual practices. Paper presented at ICA 2023, Toronto, Canada.
Instagram’s shift towards live
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Instagram’s shift towards live: how stories and live videos shape how we experience being at events. Paper presented at AoIR 2022, Dublin, Ireland. https://spir.aoir.org/ojs/index.php/spir/article/view/13015
De metaverse – niet daar maar hier.
Hammelburg, E. E. (2023). De metaverse – niet daar maar hier.. Web publication or website, Design Digger.
Being There Live
Hammelburg, E. (2023). Being There Live: Witnessing & Belonging at Contemporary Media(tized) Events. Paper presented at The Legacies of Elihu Katz, Toronto, Canada.
Being there live
Hammelburg, E. (2021). Being there live: how liveness is realized through media use at contemporary cultural events. [Research HvA, graduation external, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis].
Er live bij zijn
Hammelburg, E. (2021). Er live bij zijn: hoe we live-events beleven met media. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Being There Live: An Ethnographic Approach for Studying Social Media Use in Mediatized Live Events
Hammelburg, E. (2021). Being There Live: An Ethnographic Approach for Studying Social Media Use in Mediatized Live Events. Social Media + Society, 7(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305120984454
Live event-spaces
Hammelburg, E. (2021). Live event-spaces: Place and space in the mediatized experience of events. In N. van Es, S. Reijnders, L. Bolderman, & A. Waysdorf (Eds.), Locating Imagination in Popular Culture : Place, Tourism and Belonging (1st ed., pp. 215-229). (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/oa-edit/10.4324/9781003045359-17/live-event-spaces-esther-hammelburg?context=ubx&refId=b716d622-29cf-40fc-97a0-7d5163b41020
It's funny 'cause it's true
Hammelburg, E. (2020). It's funny 'cause it's true: zo kan de hoax de waarheid uitdrukken. Web publication or website, Brainwash. https://www.brainwash.nl/bijdrage/its-funny-cause-its-true-zo-kan-de-hoax-de-waarheid-uitdrukken
Being part of it: an ethnographic approach to the study of eventspheres
Hammelburg, E. E. (2019). Being part of it: an ethnographic approach to the study of eventspheres. Paper presented at AoIR flashpoint symposium Below the Radar, Urbino, Italy. https://aoir.org/aoirchive/aoirchive-symposia/
Hammelburg, E. E. (2018). #iVoted: hoe de ‘stemfie’ de verkiezingen deelbaar maakt. Web publication or website, Wetenschap.nu. https://wetenschap.nu/ivoted-hoe-de-stemfie-de-verkiezingen-deelbaar-maakt/
Living/re-living: nowness & memory in the mediated experience of events
Hammelburg, E. E. (2018). Living/re-living: nowness & memory in the mediated experience of events. Paper presented at Going Live, Montreal, Canada.
Studying liveness @OerolFestival2017
Hammelburg, E. E., Drakopulos, L., Benedetti, A., & Colombo, G. (2017). Studying liveness @OerolFestival2017: In: Get the picture: Digital methods for visual research. Digital methods summerschool 2017.. Web publication or website https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/InstagramLivenessOerolFestival
#stemfie: reconceptualising liveness in the era of social media
Hammelburg, E. (2015). #stemfie: reconceptualising liveness in the era of social media. Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis, 18(1), 85-99.
Extending media literacy: a new direction for libraries
Nijboer, J., & Hammelburg, E. (2010). Extending media literacy: a new direction for libraries. New Library World, 111(1/2), 36-45. https://doi.org/10.1108/03074801011015676