Z.M.P. Ingen-Housz (Zita)
ResearcherZita Ingen-Housz
is a researcher at the Faculty of Business and Economics and is involved in various research projects for the Collaborative Innovation & Entrepreneurship professorship. She obtained her MSc in Human Geography and Planning (Research) from Utrecht University in 2011 and is currently advancing her knowledge of Sustainable Development at the Centre for Development, Environment and Policy at SOAS, University of London.
From 2015 to 2018 she was involved in a research project that enabled denim brands to collectively work towards improving the environmental impact of denim production. During this period, she worked closely with key stakeholders and experts throughout the denim supply chain. Zita also participated in a research project on network orchestration in the transition towards circular textiles in the Netherlands.
She is currently involved in a 2-year research project to advance the transition towards circular procurement in healthcare.
Kuyichi: Crafting a Circular Business Model for Jeans (Teaching Case)
Ingen-Housz, Z., Lam, T., & DiVito, L. (2024). Kuyichi: Crafting a Circular Business Model for Jeans (Teaching Case). Web publication or website, The Case Centre. https://casecent.re/p/195411
Kuyichi Teaching Case: Crafting a Circular Resale Business Model
Divito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2023). Kuyichi Teaching Case: Crafting a Circular Resale Business Model. Abstract from 10TH RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Lissabon, Portugal.
Circular ecosystems intermediation
Divito, L., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2023). Circular ecosystems intermediation: the transition to circular textiles and fashion. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.12192abstract
Intermediating circular startups in ecosystems: a case study of circular textiles and apparel
Divito, L., van Wijk, J., van Hille, I., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2023). Intermediating circular startups in ecosystems: a case study of circular textiles and apparel. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Optimizing Portfolio Selection Strategy for Purchasing and Supply in Healthcare Considering Circular Economy Principles - Case: Isolation Gowns
Ghasemi, A., DiVito, L., Ingen-Housz, Z., & Torabi, S. A. (2023). Optimizing Portfolio Selection Strategy for Purchasing and Supply in Healthcare Considering Circular Economy Principles - Case: Isolation Gowns. SSRN - Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4320927
Re-enacting a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the tea sector: a role play
van Hille, I., Ingen-Housz, Z. M. P., van Wijk, J. J., & Divito, L. E. D. (2023). Re-enacting a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the tea sector: a role play. Abstract from 10TH RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Lissabon, Portugal.
From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems
DiVito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2021). From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems. Small Business Economics, An Entrepreneurship Journal, 56, 1057-1072. https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs11187-019-00254-6
From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems
Divito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2019). From individual sustainability orientations to collective sustainability innovation and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems. Paper presented at Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research, Utrecht, Netherlands. https://pure.hva.nl/ws/files/6686003/DiVito_Ingen_Housz_SBE_Accepted_version.pdf?_ga=2.208110418.1506783544.1594889551-1881024810.1526455809
Sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem emergence and development
DiVito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2017). Sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem emergence and development: a case study of Amsterdam Denim City. (Working paper series). CEDIS, Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics and International Strategy.
Zuidoost op de kaart
Arbonés Aran, N., Ingen-Housz, Z., & van Winden, W. (2017). Zuidoost op de kaart. In S. Majoor, M. Morel, A. Straathof, F. Suurenbroek, & W. van Winden (Eds.), Laboratorium Amsterdam: werken, leren, reflecteren (pp. 116-126). THOTH.
Local-global knowledge sourcing in the context of an open innovation knowledge platform
DiVito, L., & Ingen-Housz, Z. (2016). Local-global knowledge sourcing in the context of an open innovation knowledge platform: the case of Amsterdam Denim City. Paper presented at Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Graz, Austria.