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Prof. Dr. Stijn van der Krogt got his Ph.D. in Economics and Econometrics at the University of Amsterdam. He started in the development sector working as Director at the International Institute for Communication and Development in the Netherlands where he managed over 120 ICT for development programs in agriculture, education and health care implemented at national levels in collaboration with government agencies,companies, NGOs and grass-root organisations in 15 countries in Africa and LatinAmerica.

Experience in the private sector is gained as Director of Changing Values International, an advisory company that supports SMEs in strategy development and innovation
programmes and companies in business strategy and social and digital innovation in Bolivia, Paraguay and Haiti.

His experience in the education sector started ten years ago as Dean of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Universidad Paraguayo Alemana, set up by German-based SRH Higher Education in close cooperation with the Paraguayan private sector and government. He came back to the Netherlands to set up the Haarlem University of Applied Science in the Koepel in Haarlem as Chief Academic Officer on behalf of SRH Higher Education.

Currently he is Dean of the Amsterdam School of International Business at Amsterdam University of Applied Science where he will work with management and faculty to further develop the bachelor program in International Business and the master program in Global Sustainable Business Management.

He publishes and speaks at international conferences on topics such as internationalisation, mobility, business intelligence, and recently focuses on green and digital innovation by SMEs.