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Marc Noom (1966) is a developmental psychologist who graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 1992. He worked at the universities of Utrecht and Leiden from 1993 to 2007, focusing on normal and problematic adolescent development and the effectiveness of interventions. From 2007 to 2016, he mainly conducted evaluation research in several field settings such as PI Research in Amsterdam, Leiden University Medical Centre, mental disorder treatment centre de Viersprong in Halsteren, at Eindhoven’s mental healthcare centre, and at the Zaandam Medical Centre.

He has since 2016 worked for the University of Amsterdam, where he is currently a lecturer at the department of forensic orthopaedagogy. His main focus is the evaluation research of interventions in cases of the problematic development of adolescents and their families. His particular interest is in change mechanisms in intervention and he seeks to establish which methods work for whom, under what circumstances and why.

He joined the staff of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences as a professor by special appointment in January 2022, researching Forensic Youthcare. He is keen to investigate, in collaboration with field workers, ways of preventing young people from displaying increasingly extreme negative behaviour.