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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn - Benjamin Franklin

Dr Roman believes that the Amsterdam School of International Business can deliver the best International Business students in the world. She sees Amsterdam as an amazing, culturally diverse environment with some of the world’s most innovative companies., thus making it the perfect place to study business.

Educational profile

Dr Román joined AMSIB in 2012 as a researcher, and a lecturer of research skills. Dr Román has extensive experience in research for the EU, including the management of two EU Framework projects and institutions from the Dutch, German, and Belgian governments. Her publications include research on labour demand, labour supply, and socio-cultural issues.

Dr Román has a BBA in Organisational Management, an Msc in Empirical Sociology, and a PhD in Micro Economics. She has continued her methodological training in surveys, latent cluster, logistic, multi-level, and sequence analyses.

Scientific Journals:

  • Arbeidsmarktreserves: een verkenning van vaardigheden en deelname aan Leven Lang Leren In: Over-Werk, (2011) 2, p. 54-60 with M. Buisman.
  • “Werk en verhuisbereidheid in Nederland” (2008) OverWerk (3/4) 130-135 (with P. Ester en M. Kerkhofs). Leuven: Acco.
  • ‘Inzet van laaggeschoolden op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: werkgeversstandpunt,’ (Implementing lower educated workers in the Dutch labour market: employers’ opinions) (2008) OverWerk (2) 94-98, with J. Schippers.
  • ‘Taakafsplitsing en banen voor laaggescholden – werkgevers aan zet’ (Reorganizing tasks to create jobs for the lower educated) (2008) Sociaal Maandblad Arbeid (7/8), with J. Schippers.
  • ‘Dienstbaarheid aan het gezin zet urenaantal vrouwen onder druk’ (Commitment to family puts pressure on women’s working hours)(2007) DEMOS 23(7), with J. Schippers and J.D. Vlasblom.
  • ‘Stoot de arbeidsmarkt vrouwen af?’ (Does the labour market push women away?)(2007) (with J. Schippers and J.D. Vlasblom) in: Arbeidsmarkt Journaal 7(2).
  • ‘Vrouwen, gezinnen en werk: een cohortbenadering van de arbeidsparticipatie in Nederland’ (Women, families and work: a cohort approach to labour participation)(2/2007) OverWerk, with J. Schippers and J.D. Vlasblom.
  • ‘Afwijken van de standaardloopbaan,’ (Deviating from a standard career)(2006) in: OverWerk (4) 93-99. Leuven: Acco.
  • ‘De gevolgen van vrijwillige en onvrijwillige nonparticipatie voor loopbanen,’ (The effects of voluntary and involuntary time-outs for careers)(2005) in: OverWerk (4) 131-135. Leuven: Acco.
  • ‘Working nine-to-five? Arbeidswaarden, generaties en de transitionele arbeidsmarkt,’ (with Ester, P., Vinken, H. & Van Dun, L.) (2005) OverWerk 4/2005 136-142.
  • A Challenging but Uncertain Future. Beliefs of the Dutch population about the future of work, work relations, and ICT in the 21 st century. Journal of Future Studies 8 (2003) 3-20 (with P. Ester and H. Vinken).

Refereed books and book chapters:

  • ‘The Meadow Guidelines. Measuring the Dynamics of Organisations and Work’ (2010). Funded by the European Commission under priority 7 (Citizens and Governance) of the 6th RTD Framework Program.
  • ‘Diverging career paths: mind your step!’ (with J. Schippers and L. Heylen) in: P. Ester, R. Muffels, J. Schippers & T. Wilthagen (Eds.) Innovating European labour markets. Dynamics and perspectives. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, UK; Northhampton, MA, USA (2008: in press).
  • Deviating from the standard: effects on labor continuity and career patterns. (2006) Amsterdam: Dutch University Press.
  • ‘Loopbaanonderbrekingen worden gestraft! De gevolgen van vrijwillige en onvrijwillige non-participatie,’ (Career breaks are penalized. The effects of voluntary and involuntary time-outs)(with J. Schippers) (2006) in: Dynamiek en levensloop: de arbeidsmarkt in transitie, Ester, Muffels, Schippers (eds.). Assen: Van Gorcum.
  • ‘Arbeidswaarden en de transitionele arbeidsmarkt. Nederland in intergenerationeel en Europees perspectief,’ (Values and the transitional labour market. The Netherlands in inter-generational and European perspective)(with P. Ester and H. Vinken) (2006) in: Dynamiek en levensloop: de arbeidsmarkt in transitie, Ester, Muffels, Schippers (eds.). Assen: Van Gorcum.
  • ‘European establishment surveys: obstacles and opportunities on the road to
    cross-national convergence’ (with P. Ester and M. Promberger) in Measuring the information Society, Ramioul, Huws and Bollen (eds.) (2005). Leuven: HIVA.
  • ICT en de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt. (ICT and the Dutch labour market) (2003) (with P. Ester, D. Fouarge and M. Kerkhof, eds.), Amsterdam: Elsevier
  • ‘ICT, arbeid en organisatie: macro-, meso- en microfacetten,’ (ICT, work and organisation: macro, meso and micro facets) (2003) (with P. Ester, D. Fouarge & M. Kerkhofs) In ICT en de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt (2003) Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • ‘Nederlanders over de toekomst van ICT in een dynamische kennissamenleving: resultaten van het OSA Toekomst van de Arbeid Survey,’ (Dutch views of the future of ICT in a dynamic knowledge society: results of the OSA Future of Labour Survey) (with P. Ester & H. Vinken) In ICT en de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt (2003) Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • ‘ICT, arbeid en de nieuwe kennissamenleving: terugblik en vooruitblik,’ (ICT, work and the new knowledge society: a look at the past and the future) (with P. Ester, d. Fouarge & M. Kerkhofs) In ICT en de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt (2003) Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • ‘Is Nederland klaar voor een ICT-gestuurde kenniseconomie? Resultaten van het OSA Toekomst van de Arbeid Survey.’ (Is the Netherlands ready for an ICT oriented knowledge society? Results of the OSA Future of Labour Survey) (with P. Ester and H. Vinken) In: Ramioul, Van Hootegem, H. Verhoeven and P. van der Hallen (eds.). De wereld, onze arbeidsmarkt. De impact van ICT op arbeid en arbeidsorganisatie. Jaarreeks 2002. De Arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen (33-56). Antwerpen: Garant Uitgevers.

Scientific reports:

  • Het mbo tijdens invoering cgo. Vijfde meting van de CGO Monitor (2013) (with A. v.d. Meijden and J. v.d. Berg) Utrecht: ecbo
  • De weg tussen blijven en uitvallen: switchen. Verkenning van switchgedrag tussen domeinen in het mbo bol niveau 4. (2012) Utrecht: ecbo
  • Arbeidsmarktreserves (2011) (with M. Buisman) Utrecht: ecbo.
  • Beroepenmobiliteit en levenlang leren (2011) (met S. van den Dungen) Utrecht: ecbo.
  • Etniciteit en levenlang leren (2011) (met A. Van der Meijden) Utrecht: ecbo.
  • Vraag naar vaardigheden (2011) Utrecht: ecbo.
  • A feasibility study on the use of administrative register data for career research, IAB Grey Paper (2010) with (D. Mortelmans, and J. Debeeer).
  • Overview Report European Company Survey 2009, European Foundation for Working and Living Conditions, Dublin, Ireland (2010) with (G. Van Guyes, M. Kerkhofs and A. Riedman).
  • Regionale arbeidsmobiliteit in Nederland en Europa (Regional labour mobility in the Netherlands and Europe) (with P. Ester, G. Evers, D. Fouarge, M. Kerkhofs and T. Wilthagen). (2009) Tilburg: Institute for Labour Studies (232).
  • The competitive edge: sector appeal during periods of labor scarcity (with J. Schippers) (2008). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A231).
  • Inzet van lager opgeleiden op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: werkgevers aan zet (Implenting lower educated worker on the Dutch labour market: employers views)(with J. Schippers) (2008). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A233).
  • Evolving patterns on the Dutch transitional labor market (with J. Schippers) (2007). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A225).
  • Vrouwen, gezinnen en werk: een cohortbenadering van de arbeidsparticipatie in Nederland (Women, families and work: a cohort perspective of labour participation in the Netherlands)(with J. Schippers and J.D. Vlasblom) (2007). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (224).
  • Trendrapport Vraag naar arbeid 2006 (Trend report labour demand)(2007) (with S. Bekker, P. Ester, G. Evers, A. Gielen, E. Josten, M. Kerkhofs, J. Schippers and M. de Voogd-Hamelink). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A222).
  • Career breaks in Belgium: how they affect labor participation and individual careers (with L. Heylen and J. Schippers) (2006). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies/WAV (A218).
  • Trendrapport Aanbod van arbeid 2005 (Trend report Labour Supply) (2006) (with D. Fouarge, A. Gielen, R. Grim, M. Kerkhofs, J. Schippers and T. Wilthagen. Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A220)
  • To work or not to work: a vital life course decision and how it affects labor careers. Results from Dutch panel data 1990-2001 (with J. Schippers) (2005). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A212).
  • Trendrapport Vraag naar Arbeid 2004 (Trend report Labour Demand) (with S. Bekker, D. Fouarge, A. Gielen, M. Kerkhofs, H. Meihuizen, J. Schippers, M. de Voogd-Hamelink and T. Wilthagen,) (2005). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A215).
  • Towards convergence? Current state and future ways of establishment based ICT- and labour market monitoring in Europe, (2004). STILE report. L. Bellmann and M. Promberger (eds.) with P. Ester, S. Maenen, M. Ramioul and G. Van Hootegem. Leuven: HIVA publication n° 863.
  • ‘Occupational Profiling in the Netherlands’, (with Van Poppel, H. and P. Ester), A report on the STILE methodology (2004) 111-120. (A. Bollen and M. Ramioul, eds. [2004], Profiling occupations in the eEconomy, A challenging international perspective, Brussels: STILE/ EC).
  • The Missing E. The use of national elements of the LFS for eWork analysis. (2004) (with I. Bertin, P. Ester, C. Oteri, S. Perryman, M. Ramioul, A. Stimpson, R. Verlinden & C. Zerre) Jagger & Huws (eds.) Leuven: STILE report.
  • Career consequences of part-time work: results from Dutch panel data 1990-2001 (with D. Fouarge and R. Luijkx). (2004) Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A206).
  • Work values and the transitional labor market. The Netherlands in European and American comparison (2004), (with P. Ester, H. Vinken and L. van Dun) Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A204).
  • Trendrapport Aanbod van Arbeid 2003 (Trend report Labor Supply) (2004) (with D. Fouarge, R. Grim, M. Kerkhofs and T. Wilthagen) Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A205).
  • ‘Report on the Dutch Exploratory Stage’ (with Van Poppel, H. and P. Ester), Bollen, and Ramioul, (eds.) (2003), ICT, Travel and Tourism, Sectors that help to understand the new economy, 107-118, Brussels: STILE / EC).
  • Trendrapport Vraag naar Arbeid 2002 (2003). (with D. Fouarge, M. Kerkhofs, and T. Wilthagen). Tilburg: Institute For Labour Studies (A200)
  • Analysis and Forecasting of International Migration by Major Groups (with H. Hilderink , N. Van der Gaag, L. van Wissen, R. Jennissen, J. Salt, J. Clarke and C. Pinkerton) (2001) Eurostat: Luxemburg.