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We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skins, but we all belong to one human race. – Kofi Annan (Ghanaian Diplomat, 7 th UN Secretary General, 2001 Nobel Peace Prize Winner)

Bernard Smeenk works as international policy & relations advisor at the International Centre. Mr Smeenk has a Master’s in European Studies from the University of Amsterdam. During his studies he was an exchange student in Cologne, Germany. He previously worked as a country manager of the Examination Department of the British Council before starting at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in 2002.

For the past ten years, Mr Smeenk has managed international contact with partner universities of the Faculty of Economics and Management. As former head of the International Office, Mr Smeenk also has extensive experience with the management of staff and processes in the International Office. As a policy advisor, he is now also involved in projects concerning the internationalisation of the curriculum with a special focus on European funding. Although Mr Smeenk lives in Amsterdam, his second home is Berlin.

Mr Smeenk has this to say: ‘the exchange semester is one of the best parts of the study programme. This is why my colleagues and I are constantly working to keep our network of partner universities alive. AMSIB students can help with this as well. Please be an ambassador for us during your exchange, make a good impression and convince the students at your exchange university to come to Amsterdam!’