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Dr. Wenjing Zhao is an assistant professor of Aviation Management at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.She is also a guest researcher in Air Transport and Operations at Delft University of Technology. She previously worked at TUDelft as a lecturer in Air Transport and Operations. Her current research interests are airport capacity optimisation, dynamic capacity-demand balance in aviation, risk-based approach for aviation system performance.

Wenjing holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from University of New South Wales, Australia. Her PhD thesis aims to improve efficiency and safety of future air transport operations by investigating how to dynamically balance capacity and demand in airport and its surrounding terminal airspace. The main output is a simulation-based computational framework which is able to facilitates decision makers to understand airport system behavior, discover system bottlenecks and use such knowledge to improve system performance.It not only provides assessments of systems’ vulnerabilities, but also is capable of proposing strategies to modify current operational procedures and generating optimized airport operations with respect to system-level criteria. Her PhD research contributed to EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Grant project and Australia Research Council Linkage project.