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About this programme

Do you have a head for business and a heart for sports? Then Sport Studies - track International Sports, Management and Business (ISMB) is the place for you. During this English language Bachelor's degree programme you will study with students from all over the world. You will also apply your knowledge during 3 international internships. This allows you to earn a degree while building your CV.

9 November 2024
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Are you starting the Sport Studies programme after the summer? We have listed all the important info for you.

Read all the information

Programme structure

Sport Studies - track ISMB is a 4-year Bachelor’s degree programme focused on business and management within the international sports industry. During your study, entrepreneurial skills and spirit will provide a solid foundation as you learn to research, plan, organise, lead, manage and evaluate the business of sport.

Year 1

Year 1 starts with an introduction to sport, management and business within an international environment that will prepare you for the rest of your study. You will go on 2 international field trips in Europe. In the second semester you will focus on event management.

Year 2

In year 2 you will focus on the themes Research and Advice, Project and Organisation and Management and Sport. This helps you to learn more about the various business aspects related to sport. You will do a 10-week international internship and will continue to gain exposure to a variety of sports.

Year 3

During the first semester of year 3 you will complete a minor (specialisation). During the second semester you will become an entrepreneur by creating and launching your own company. Also, you will take courses focussed on the theme 'World of Sports Strategy' and you will complete a Professional Specialisation.

Year 4

In the first semester of year 4 you will complete a 20-week, full-time internship abroad, at an international sport organisation of your choosing. The second semester is dedicated to your graduation project.

Check the complete curriculum


Admission requirements

To be admitted to Sport Studies you need to have completed secondary education equivalent to the Dutch HAVO, VWO or MBO 4 level. You will also participate in a selection procedure (numerus fixus), as the programme has a limited number of places.

More about admission

Study load

40 hrs per week

You have 20 contact hours per week in year 1. In addition, you spend around 20 hours per week working on projects and research, assignments, or preparing for classes/exams via self-study.

More about study load


Tuition fees and additional costs

In addition to the annually determined tuition fees you must take into account approximately €1.200 in costs in year 1 for e.g., sportswear, field trips and books. The additional costs are lower in year 2,3 and 4.

More about tuition

Did you participate in the Sport Studies selection procedure?

Check the results and ranking information

Why Sport Studies at the AUAS?

  • Sport Studies - track ISMB is assessed as a 'top rated programme' in the Keuzegids (Dutch Choice Guide) of 2023.
  • The programme offers you a great community where you share a classroom with students from all over the world.
  • You'll complete 3 international internships at leading sports organisations. This way you build a CV while earning your degree.
  • Lots of attention is paid to your personal and professional development. Your own coach will help you with this.
  • The programme offers a great international network of partner universities which offers you a lot of opportunities to study a semester abroad. Or to start a Master’s degree at a research university after you graduate.

For whom?

Student with laptop
  • You have a head for business and a heart for sport.
  • You are curious about other cultures.
  • You feel comfortable living and working in an international environment.
  • You speak and write fluent English.