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Get more out of the programme

Looking for a greater academic challenge?


The Knowledge Center FDMCI conducts research into developments in the field of digital media and the creative industry. As a student you can work in labs with researchers from the research groups, leading (international) companies, and social organizations. Visit the website of the Knowledge Center FDMCI (opens in new window)for more information.

Exchange abroad

AMFI's exchange programme allows you to study abroad for six months. It is an experience that will give you a taste of a different culture, enable you to meet new people and maybe even learn a new language. This is just a small part of the whole package; the opportunity to follow subjects that AMFI may not offer is the main game-changer.​
At AMFI you can go on exchange in the first and second semester of your third year and in the first semester of your fourth year. 

Internship abroad

In your third year you will do a 20-week, full-time internship at a fashion company. AMFI has an excellent and extensive network in the business community that you can draw on, or you can arrange your own suitable internship anywhere in the world.

After your graduation