Spanish University becomes partner within the OT-EuroMaster consortium
From autumn 2022, the University of A Coruña on the Spanish Atlantic coast became the new partner university in the European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy.

The Galician university replaces University College Absalon in Næstved, Denmark, which is leaving the programme consortium after 23 very productive years.
Long lasting history
The OT-EuroMaster was founded in 1999 by four European higher education institutions: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands; University of Brighton, UK; Karolinska Institutet, Sweden; University College Absalon, Denmark. In 2010, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, joined this international consortium.
Ever since, the five partner institutions offer a research-oriented Master of Science programme, specifically from an occupational perspective, consisting of 6 modules, leading to 90 credits ECTS. Each university is responsible for one of five modules, with the students studying on site for an average of two weeks each. In the sixth module, students work on their Master's thesis in their country of residence.
The OT-EuroMaster is well known within the Occupational Therapy community for its spirit of collaborative partnership and its long-standing experience in international collaboration, teaching and studying. This truly international programme, accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders NVAO, also holds the Quality Certificate in Internationalisation awarded by the European Consortium for Accreditation (2010 and 2016).
Change ahead
The fourth module, focusing on socio-cultural perspectives of human occupation, has so far been hosted by University College Absalon in Næstved. However, the Danish partner has decided to leave the consortium at the end of the current academic year 2021-2022. The remaining partners are very grateful for their contribution to the OT-EuroMaster programme right from the start more than 20 years ago. The Danish team played a significant role in shaping the programme over the past two decades and has been a valued member of the international community of lecturers and staff.
Team of University A Coruña is the perfect fit
In autumn 2022, and after a thorough selection process, the Spanish University of A Coruña was invited to join the consortium of the Master's programme and thus the responsibility for module 4. With Natalia Rivas Quarneti (new module coordinator), Inés Viana Moldes (new board member), Lisette Farias and Lilian Magalhães, a very experienced and well-renowned team will be responsible for the development and delivery of this module. Their expertise in the field of social-cultural aspects of occupation and social transformation within OT fits perfectly to the scope of the module they will be offering.
The current first-year cohort will have the pleasure of experiencing the first "Spanish" Module 4 at the Atlantic coast of Galicia.