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Study load

On this page you can find information about the number of contact hours during your studies, the number of hours you spend on self-study and the binding study advice (BSA).

Contact time

Amongst other activities, contact time will be devoted to teaching, coaching and feedback. The number of contact hours per week is 18. One contact hour is equivalent to 50 minutes of teaching. The total amount of work over the full year consists of 1680 hours. Presence in class is mandatory.


In addition to your contact hours, you are expected to spend around 22 hours working (either independently or with fellow students) on projects and research, carrying out assignments and preparing for lessons and exams via self-study. Attention: these hours are an indication and should be seen as a minimum to be able to complete the programme. The Master’s programme in Digital Design is an intensive full-time education. At certain moments of your study (eg.: near project deadlines), you will most likely need to dedicate more time to both self-study and group work. 

Binding study advice

In the first academic year, you must attain 60 credits from the AUAS. One credit equals 28 hours study time. If you attain fewer than 50 credits, you will receive a negative binding study advice (BSA). This means you will not be able to continue with the programme. You can then discuss with your coach or student counsellor whether another programme would be more suitable for you. 

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