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Get to know us

Want to find out whether the Interaction Design track of the Master Digital Design really suits you? Then it's time to get to know us. The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences offers various ways to do this, both on location and online.

Online Q&A's

Would you like to learn more about our track on Interaction Design? Then join one of our online Q&A sessions with one of our lecturers. During this hour-long meeting, we introduce you to the programme and answer any questions you may still have. We host an online Q&A every month. You can register for more than one if you want or need to. The dates are: 24 January 9:00 CET, 14 February 16:00 CET, 11 March 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 CET and 15 April 13:30 CET.

Go to our meetup page
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Do you need help with your study choice?

Students at a table

Are you currently following secondary education and don't know which type of programme would suit you? Or do you have difficulty choosing between programmes? There are various ways in which we can help you.

Help with your study choice