Alumnus Süleyman Ekiz
Master Digital Driven Business

"In terms of level, the study exceeded my expectations. I thought the master would be at the level of a scientific master. I have to say: this master even surpassed that."
“I have experienced the programme as very pleasant. It was a busy, hectic time and I had to stay really focused. The speed makes it more difficult, but not impossible. A combination with a part-time job is possible, but it is important to organize your year properly and not to underestimate the study. Count on between 40 and 60 hours a week. It is really a very nice study, challenging. I enjoyed working in a team focused on projects for real customers.
What is your previous education?
“I studied Business Administration, also at the AUAS. I was on exchange in Hong Kong for two years and did a minor in Organization, Leadership and Change.”
What is your experience with the programme?
I enjoyed working in a team focused on projects for real customers. The topics were refreshing and subjects like data science and change management are right up my alley.”
Did Digital Driven Business meet your expectations (and why)?
“In terms of level, the study exceeded my expectations. I thought the master would be at the level of a scientific master. I have to say: this master even surpassed that, because we had to deal with a lot of complexity.”
Why did you choose Digital Driven Business? What attracted you to the programme?
“This master was right up my alley in terms of interests in IT, data science and change management. It is practical, you work for customers and immediately apply what you learn. It is really hands on with coding sessions and in some modules you learn to work according to the scrum methodology.”
What did you find interesting about this programme? What’s challenging?
“I got my problem-solving skills, my teamwork skills, interpersonal skills, now have coding experience… It was all very challenging."
What has the programme brought you?
“It has brought me a lot: for example friendship, fun and also wisdom, because it deals with subjects that have depth. It is not only about data and business models, but also about leadership. For what it takes to change the culture. You have to take many things into account. I have laid the foundation for working in many areas within ICT at large companies.”
How do you apply the skills and knowledge you have gained in your current job?
“I have gained a lot of knowledge and now I have to prove myself. I want to apply what I have learned and build expertise so I can continue on the path that I envision for myself and can be valuable to the clients I want to work for."