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Further study

A Bachelor’s degree provides a good basis for further study. With a degree from Sport Studies - track ISMB you have several transfer options to research-oriented higher education.

Admissions to Master's programmes

A Bachelor’s degree provides a good basis for further study. With a degree from Sport Studies - track ISMB you have several transfer options to research-oriented higher education. Check the information provided by the university of your choice about the criteria for admission to their Master’s. A pre-master may be required for Bachelor’s graduates of universities of applied sciences who want to do a Master’s degree at a research university.

Arrangements with selected universities

Sport Studies - track ISMB has established partnerships with select universities. This enables you to take modules at these universities concurrently or immediately after completing your studies. This streamlined approach allows you to potentially earn both a Bachelor’s degree in Sport Studies and a Master’s degree from a university within 5 to 6 years.

Overview possible Master's programmes
MasterPossible occupations/tracksLanguage
  • Sport, Business & Leadership | Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
  • Club consultant

  • Marketing manager

  • Head of partnerships

  • Director sport and sustainability

  • Workforce and event coordinator

  • Business Administration | University of Amsterdam
  • Management consultant
  • Strategic analyst
  • Account, product, or marketing manager
  • Sports Management and Business  Adm. | Temple University Philadelphia, US
  • Management consultant
  • Strategic analyst
  • Account, product, or marketing manager
  • Institute for Sport Business ISB | Loughborough University, UK
  • Track MSc Sport Business & Innovation
  • Track MSc Sport Business & Leadership
  • Track MSc Sport Digital & Media Technologies
  • Human Movement Sciences | VU University Amsterdam
  • Researcher
  • Adviser/policy officer
  • Psychomotor therapist
  • Exercise physiologist or ergonomist affiliated to an organisation
Partly in English / partly in Dutch
  • Sports Policy and Sports Management | Utrecht University
  • Policy officer
  • Project coordinator or association manager at local authorities, unions, consultancies, umbrella organisations and other sports organisations
  • Researcher at a research agency or university
  • ​Communication Science | University of Amsterdam
  • Media planner
  • Journalist
  • Advertising strategist
  • Communications office
  • Information officer