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Year 2,3 and 4

In Year 2 of Sport Studies - track ISMB, you’ll focus on project management and research. In Years 3 and 4, sports practice is no longer included. Instead, the emphasis shifts entirely to business, management, and gaining practical work experience. However, you will have the opportunity to pursue a Professional Specialisation in sports.

Year 2: planning and project management

The second year is structured around 3 main themes: Research and Advice, Project and Organisation, and Management and Sport. These themes will enhance your organisational skills and deepen your understanding of the diverse business aspects related to sports. Collaborating with industry professionals, you will tackle 2 major projects: the Consultancy Challenge and the World of Sports Challenge. Sport Theory, Sport Practice, and Personal Professional Development remain integral components of the curriculum. 

10-week international internship

In the second year, you will complete a 10-week, full-time internship abroad, focusing on a project management assignment within the sports industry. The organisation and location are completely up to you! Of course, you have access to a broad database with organisations in the sports industry.

Personal Profiling Credits: building your CV

The Sport Studies - track ISMB programme offers plenty of opportunity to tailor the study to your individual interests and ambitions. For example, in year 2 and 3, you can earn Personal Profiling credits by participating in a course or activity that builds your CV, such as volunteering at a sports event.

Subjects year 2

Research and Advice

  • Quantitative Research
  • Trend Watching
  • Data Analysis
  • Consultancy Skills
  • Team sports
  • Fitness
  • Teaching in Sport

Project and Organisation

  • Project Management
  • Marketing and Communication
  • Sales
  • Racket Sports
  • Gymnastics
  • Teaching in Sports
  • Sport Injuries and First Aid

Management and Sport

  • World of Sport (theory and case)
  • Sport and Life Skills
  • Sport and Health
  • Sport and Society

Personal Professional Development

  • Personal Professional Development (Coaching)
  • Intercultural Communications
  • Management Skills
  • Personal Profiling

Year 3: choosing a minor

Year 3 concentrates on your development as a future professional in the sport industry. During the first semester, you'll complete a minor (specialisation).Minors are half-year (1 semester) programmes in which you deepen or broaden your knowledge. You can choose one of the Sport Studies minors mentioned below or select a programme at one of our partner universities which span the entire globe. You must earn 30 credits to complete your minor.

Sport Studies minors

  • Sport Development: addresses social challenges through sport in a national and international context. The minor focuses on inclusion, empowering people and building communities through sustainable sport programmes.
  • High Performance Sport: focuses on management aspects within the world of High Performance Sport. You’ll gain an understanding of how (inter)national sport federations and commercial organisations are governed and managed, and gain insight into the lives of elite athletes.
  • Sport Commerce: focuses on the dynamic industry of global sporting goods. You will learn about e-retail, management theory, digital marketing, and merchandising. You will visit and work with international brands.
  • Future of Esports and Gaming: focuses on the dynamic and rapidly growing influence of esports, gaming and gamification on on our dialy life.

Year 3: entrepreneurship, research and strategy 

In the second semester, you will continue exploring a range of business-focused subjects linked to the themes of Entrepreneurship, Research, and Strategy. The Entrepreneurship quarter starts with a week on the Dutch island Texel, where you will collaborate with 2 peers on a start-up venture. This quarter emphasises the cultivation of your entrepreneurial mindset and professional development. You will learn to generate creative ideas, tackle challenges, transform concepts into tangible products, and pitch to investors. The focus will be on gaining practical experience, testing ideas with the target audience, and concluding with an investor presentation. Additionally, you will attend classes in Qualitative Research.

In the final quarter of year 3, the focus shifts to the Strategy theme. You will engage with subjects such as Strategic Management, Leadership & Culture, Public Sport Policy, and Human Resources. The Strategy quarter culminates with a strategic project week. Year 3 also includes a Professional Specialisation and one-on-one coaching to support your Personal Professional Development.

Year 4: internship and graduation project

In the first semester of year 4, you will undertake a 20-week full-time strategic internship abroad at an international sport organisation of your choice. The second semester is dedicated to your graduation project. During a 20-week international internship, you will develop a strategic research project aimed at uncovering the causes of and solutions to a specific issue within a company, industry, or country. The topic, location, and organisation are entirely up to you.

Examples graduation projects

  • A research project for FISA (International Rowing Federation based in Switzerland) about how to get more female coaches into the sport of rowing and creating a formula for keeping these female coaches in the sport for a longer period.
  • A marketing strategy plan on consumer behaviour for Nike.
  • A practical project working for TIG Sports (a Dutch sport marketing agency). Being responsible for one of the venues at the World Beach Volleyball Championships in the Netherlands and researching how to make venues more sustainable in the future.

Subjects in year 3 and 4

Entrepreneurship and Research

  • Entrepreneurship (different subjects focussed on entrepreneurship)
  • Qualitative Research


  • Leadership and Culture
  • Strategic Management
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Information and Finance
  • Law and Regulations
  • Public Sport Policy
  • Strategic Project Week

Personal Professional Development

  • Personal Professional Development (Coaching)
  • Professional Specialisation
  • Personal Profiling
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